Zeitschrift |
Vol |
No. |
Seiten |
F. M�cklich |
A. Lasagni, C. Daniel |
„Laser Interference Metallurgy - Using Interference as a Tool for Micro/Nano Structuring“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
97 |
2006 |
10 |
1337-1344 |
PDF verg�gbar | ausgezeichnet mit dem Werner-K�ster-Preis 2006 der DGM und des Carl-Hanser-Verlages |
published |
H.A. Gobran |
D. Heger, F. M�cklich |
„Determination of RuAl Phase Boundaries in Binary RuAl Phase Diagram at Room Temperature and 1200�C“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
96 |
2005 |
7 |
792-798 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Quantitative Investigation of Material Erosion Caused by High-pressure Discharges in Air and Nitrogen“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
95 |
2004 |
2 |
102-108 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich, W. Pitschke, R. Birringer, K. Wetzig |
„Synthesis of Nanocrystalline B2 Structured (Ru,Ir)Al in the Ternary Ru-Al-Ir System by Mechanical Alloying and its Thermal Stability“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
92 |
2001 |
8 |
924-930 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
J. Ohser, S. Blank, D. Katrakova, G. Petzow |
„Stereological Analysis of Grain Size and Grain Shape Applied to Silicon Nitride Ceramics“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
90 |
1999 |
557-561 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
J. Ohser, G. Schneider |
„Die Charakterisierung homogener polyedrischer Gef�ge mit Hilfe des r�umlichen Poisson-Voronoi-Mosaiks und der Vergleich zur DIN 50 601“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
88 |
1997 |
1 |
27-32 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
H. Janocha |
„Smart Materials - The 'IQ' of Materials in Systems“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
87 |
1996 |
5 |
357-364 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
H. Oettel, G. Petzow |
„Realstruktur von Einkristallen und die Intensit�ten von Braggreflexen“ |
Zeitschrift f�r Metallkunde |
6 |
1993 |
419-425 |
published |
C. Daniel |
F. M�cklich |
„Electrical Behaviour of Periodically Micro-Structured Sn/CuSn4 Contact Models under Fretting Conditions“ |
Wear |
257 |
2004 |
266-270 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
B. Martin, S. Bettscheider, C. Gachot, H. Kliem, F. M�cklich |
„Correlation between solid�solid contact ratios and lubrication regimes measured by a refined electrical resistivity circuit“ |
Wear |
320 |
2014 |
1 |
51-61 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2014.08.018 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
L. Reinert, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Alignment and wear debris effects between laser-patterned steel surfaces under dry sliding conditions“ |
Wear |
318 |
2014 |
1 |
49-61 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2014.06.016 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
T. Heib, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Oil film life time and wear particle analysis of laser-patterned stainless steel surfaces“ |
Wear |
334-335 |
2015 |
1-12 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2015.04.006 |
published |
F. L. Miguel |
R. M�ller, A. Rosenkranz, S. Mathur, F. M�cklich |
„Analysis and modelling of the dry-sliding friction and wear behaviour of electrodeposited Ni and Ni-matrix-nanocomposite films“ |
Wear |
346-347 |
2016 |
87-98 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2015.11.006 |
published |
K.E. Trinh |
A. Tsipenyuk, M. Varenberg, A. Rosenkranz, N. Souza, F. M�cklich |
„Wear debris and electrical resistance in textured Sn-coated Cu contacts subjected to fretting“ |
Wear |
344-345 |
2015 |
86-98 |
doi:10.1016/j.wear.2015.10.010 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
J. C. Pangraz, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Load-dependent run-in and wear behaviour of line-like surface patterns produced by direct laser interference patterning“ |
Wear |
368-369 |
2016 |
350-357 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2016.10.008 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
F. Krupp, L. Reinert, F. M�cklich, B. Sauer |
„Tribological performance of laser-patterned chain links - Influence of pattern geometry and periodicity“ |
Wear |
370-371 |
2016 |
51-58 |
published |
C. Gachot |
A. Rosenkranz, S.M. Hsu, H.L. Costa |
„A Critical Assessment of Surface Texturirng: Current Understandings“ |
Wear |
2016 |
Invited Review Article accepted in Wear 29.11.2016 |
accepted |
M. Linz |
M.R. Ripoll, C. Gachot, C .Pauly, F. Franek, F. M�cklich |
„On the competition between plastic deformation and material detachment in ferritic/pearlitic steel under boundary lubrication“ |
Wear |
376 |
2017 |
813-821 |
published |
L. Reinert |
M. Varenberg, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez |
„Dry friction and wear of self-lubricating carbon nanotube-containing surfaces“ |
Wear |
406-407 |
2018 |
33-42 |
published |
L. Reinert |
I. Green, S. Gimmler, B. Lechthaler, F. Mücklich and S. Suarez |
„Tribological behavior of self-lubricating carbon nanoparticle reinforced metal matrix composites“ |
Wear |
408-409 |
2018 |
72-85 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
C. Gachot, E. Ramos-Moore, F. M�cklich |
„The influence of laser-patterned surfaces on the frictional behavior under dry and lubricated sliding conditions“ |
Tribology Online |
2016 |
Accepted in Tribology Online 31.03.2016 |
accepted |
C. Gachot |
A. Rosenkranz, L. Reinert, E. Ramos-Moore, N. Souza, M. M�ser, F. M�cklich |
„Dry friction between laser-patterned surfaces: Role of alignment, structural wavelength and surface chemistry“ |
Tribology Letters |
49 |
2013 |
1 |
193-202 |
DOI: 10.1007/s11249-012-0057-y | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Prodanov |
C. Gachot, A. Rosenkranz, F. M�cklich, M.H. M�ser |
„Contact mechanics of laser-textured surfaces: Correlating contact area and friction“ |
Tribology Letters |
50 |
2013 |
41-48 |
DOI: 10.1007/s11249-012-0064-z |
published |
C. Schäfer |
L. Reinert, T. MacLucas, P. Grützmacher, R. Merz, F. Mücklich and S. Suarez |
„Influence of surface design on the solid lubricity of carbon nanotubes-coated steel surfaces“ |
Tribology letters |
2018 |
66-89 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
A. Szurdak, C. Gachot, G. Hirt, F. M�cklich |
„Friction reduction under mixed and full film EHL induced by hot micro-coined surface patterns“ |
Tribology International |
95 |
2016 |
290-297 |
DOI:10.1016/j.triboint.2015.11.035 |
published |
S. Bettscheider |
C. Gachot, A. Rosenkranz |
„How to measure the real contact area? A simple marker and relocation foot-printing approach“ |
Tribology International |
2016 |
Accepted in Tribology International 26.06.2016 |
accepted |
P.G. Gr�tzmacher |
A. Rosenkranz, S. Rammacher, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„The influence of centrifugal forces on friction and wear in rotational sliding“ |
Tribology International |
116 |
2017 |
256-263 |
DOI: 10.1016/tribol.2017.07.021 |
published |
P. Grützmacher |
A. Rosenkranz, A. Szurdak, F. König, G. Jacobs, G. Hirt, F. Mücklich |
„From lab to application - Improved frictional performance of journal bearings induced by single- and multi-scale surface patterns“ |
Tribology International |
127 |
2018 |
500-508 |
published |
L. Reinert |
S. Schütz, S. Suarez, F. Mücklich |
„Influence of Surface Roughness on the Lubrication Effect of Carbon Nanoparticle-Coated Steel Surfaces“ |
Tribol. Lett. |
66 |
2018 |
doi: 10.1007/s11249-018-1001-6 |
published |
T. Prill |
D. Jeulin, F. Willot, J. Balach, F. Soldera |
„Prediction of Effective Properties of Porous Carbon Electrodes from a Parametric 3D Random Morphological Model“ |
Transport in Porous Media |
120 |
2017 |
1 |
120-141 |
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11242-017-0913-1 |
published |
F. L. Miguel |
H. Shen, F. Soldera, T. Fischer, R. M�ller, S. Mathur, F. M�cklich |
„Electroless deposition of a Ag matrix on semiconducting one-dimensional nanostructures“ |
Thin Solid Films 536 |
536 |
2013 |
54-56 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2013.03.054 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
E. Detemple |
P. Leibenguth, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Large-Area Patterned Formation of Intermetallic Phases on Ti/Al Multilayer Systems by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Thin Solid Films |
519 |
2010 |
2 |
736-741 |
DOI:10.1016/j.tsf.2010.08.142 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M.A. Guitar |
K. Woll, E. Ramos-Moore, F. M�cklich |
„Study of grain growth and thermal stability of nanocrystalline RuAl thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering“ |
Thin Solid Films |
527 |
2013 |
1-8 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2012.12.046 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
P. Ferrari |
E. Ramos-Moore, M.A. Guitar, A.L. Cabrera |
„Raman analysis of ferroelectric switching in niobium-doped lead zirconate titanate thin films“ |
Thin Solid Films |
556 |
2014 |
539-543 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2014.02.050 |
published |
P.K. Yalamanchili |
F. Wang, I. Schramm, J.M. Andersson, M.P.J. Joesaar, F. Tasn�di, F. M�cklich, N. Ghafoor, M. Od�n |
„Exploring the high entropy alloy concept in (AlTiVNbCr)N“ |
Thin Solid Films |
636 |
2017 |
346-352 |
published |
E. Ramos-Moore |
P. Leibenguth, S. Slawik, R.S.Coelho, D. Horwat, S. Migot, B. Lechthaler, F. Mücklich |
„Estimation of residual stresses in perovskite fims for capacitor applications“ |
Thin Solid Films |
648 |
2018 |
21-25 |
published |
A. Koffman-Frischknecht |
M. Soldera, F. Soldera, M. Troviano, L. Carlos, M.D. Perez, K. Taretto |
„Tunimg morphological features of lead iodide by low pressure vapor phase deposition“ |
Thin Solid Films |
653 |
2018 |
249-257 |
published |
J. Pan |
H. Shen, U. Werner, J. D. Prades, F. Hernandez-Ramirez, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, S. Mathur |
„Heteroepitaxy of SnO2 Nanowire Arrays on TiO2 Single Crystals: Growth Patterns and Tomographic Studies“ |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
115 |
2011 |
31 |
15191-15197 |
DOI: 10.1021/jp202685a. | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Y. Battie |
A. En Naciri, W. Chamorro, D. Horwat |
„Generalized Effective Medium Theory to Extract the Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Nonspherical Metallic Nanoparticle Layers“ |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
118 |
2014 |
9 |
4899�4905 |
DOI: 10.1021/jp4119343 |
published |
A. E. Giba |
P. Pigeat, S. Bruy�re, H. Rinnert, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, D. Horwat |
„From Blue to White Luminescence in Cerium-Doped Aluminum Oxynitride: Electronic Structure and Local Chemistry Perspectives“ |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry |
2018 |
accepted |
D. Wibbing |
J. Binder, W. Schink�the, C. Pauly, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Sensmili: Absolutes Wegmesssystem aus einer diffraktiven q-n�ren Pseudo-Zufalls-Sequenz“ |
Technisches Messen |
79 |
2012 |
44-51 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
P. Gr�tzmacher, A. Szurdak, C. Gachot, G. Hirt, F. M�cklich |
„Synergetic effect of laster patterning and micro coining for controlled lubricant propagation“ |
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Special Issue |
2016 |
submitted |
T. MacLucas |
S. Sch�tz, S. Suarez, F.Muecklich |
„Surface protection of austenitic steels by carbon nanotube coatings“ |
Surface Topography |
2017 |
submitted |
J. J. Kochumalayil |
A. Meiser, F. Soldera, W. Possart |
„Focused Ion Beam Irradiation - Morphological and Chemical Evolution in PMMA“ |
Surface and Interface Analysis |
41 |
2009 |
412-420 |
DOI: 10.1002/sia.3042 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. J. Kochumalayil |
A. Meiser, F. Soldera, W. Possart |
„Focused ion beam irradiation: morphological and chemical evolution in epoxy polymers“ |
Surface and Interface Analysis |
41 |
2009 |
931-940 |
DOI: 10.1002/sia.3121 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Horwat |
D. I. Zakharov, J.-L. Endrino, F. Soldera, A. Anders, S. Migot, R. Karoum, P. Vernoux, J.-F. Pierson |
„Chemistry, phase formation, and catalytic activity of thin palladium-containing oxide films synthesized by plasma-assisted physical vapor deposition“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
205 |
2011 |
2 |
171-177 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.12.021. | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
B. Bax |
C. Pauly, P. Leibenguth, K. Woll, F. M�cklich |
„Synthesis�of�B2-RuAl coatings�on�mild steel�by�laser cladding“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
206 |
2012 |
19 |
3931-3937 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.03.063. | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
B. Raillard |
L. Gouton, E. Ramos-Moore, S. Grandthyll, F. M�ller, F. M�cklich |
„Ablation effects of femtosecond laser functionalization on steel surfaces“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
207 |
2012 |
102-109 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.06.023 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
B. Bax |
M. Sch�fer, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich |
„Coating and prototyping of single-phase iron aluminide by laser cladding“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
235 |
2013 |
773-777 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.001 | PDF vorhanden |
published |
M.A. Guitar |
H. Aboulfadl, C. Pauly, P. Leibenguth, S. Migot, F. M�cklich |
„Production of single-phase intermetallic films from Ru-Al multilayers“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
244 |
2014 |
210-216 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.02.022 |
published |
F.L. Miguel |
R. M�ller, S. Mathur, F. M�cklich |
„On the thermal stability of electrodeposited Ni-matrix-nanocomposite films reinforced with Ag-coated SnO2 nanowires, Surface and Coatings Technology“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
287 |
2016 |
93-102 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.12.085 |
submitted |
Y.H. Chen |
L. Rogstr�m, J.J. Roa, J.Q. Zhu, I.C. Schramm, L.J.S. Johnson, N. sChell, F. M�cklich, M.J. Anglada, M. Od�n |
„Thermal and mechanical stability of wurtzite-ZrAIN/cubic-TiN and wurzite-ZrAIN/cubic-ZrN multilayers“ |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
324 |
2017 |
255 |
published |
C. Daniel |
A. Lasagni, F. M�cklich |
„Stress and Texture Evolution of Ni/Al Multi-Film by Laser Interference Irradiation“ |
Surface & Coatings Technology |
2004 |
478-482 |
published |
C. M. Menezes |
N. Bogoni Jr., J. Barrirero, H. Aboulfadl, F. M�cklich, C. A. Figueroa |
„Influence of the surface chemistry - structure relationship on the nanoscale friction of nitrided and post-oxidized iron“ |
Surface & Coatings Technology |
2016 |
10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.07.095 |
in press |
I. C. Schramm |
C. Pauly, M.P. Johansson Joesaar, S. Slawik, S. Suarez, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n |
„Effects of nitrogen vacancies on phase stability and mechanical properties of arc deposited (Ti0.52Al0.48)Ny (y < 1) coatings“ |
Surface & Coatings Technology |
330 |
2017 |
77-86 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.09.043 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. Koblischka, F. M�cklich |
„Ion Damage during FIB-milling of Magnetite“ |
Superlattices & Microstructures |
44 |
2008 |
468-475 |
presented at E-MRS spring meeting 2007, Strasbourg, Symposium K, �Nanoscale self-assembly and patterning� |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich, K. Ogasawara, M. Murakami |
„Interactions of Y2BaCuO5 Particles and the YBCO Matrix within Melt-Textured YBCO Samples Studied by Means of EBSD“ |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
18 |
2005 |
158-163 |
DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/18/2/032 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. Ogasawara |
N. Sakai, M. Koblischka, A. Koblischka-Veneva, M. Murakami |
„Effects of Subgrains on Critical Current Properties in Melt-processed RE�Ba�Cu�O Bulk Superconductors“ |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
17 |
2004 |
61-65 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, P. Simon, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Application of Electron Backscatter Diffraction to Bulk High-TC Superconductors“ |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
15 |
2002 |
796-802 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, M. Murakami |
„Grain Orientations and Distribution of Y2Ba4CuUOx Phase in Melt-Textured YBCO with Addition of Depleted Uranium Oxide Studied by EBSD“ |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
19 |
2006 |
567-571 |
DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/19/7/S28 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes |
„An Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation of Crystallographic Orientations of Embedded Nanoparticles within Melt-textured YBCO High Temperature Superconductors“ |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
19 |
2006 |
562-566 |
DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/19/7/S27 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Katrakova |
M. Damgaard, F. M�cklich |
„Preparation for Electron Backscatter Diffraction with LaboPol-4 / LaboForce-1“ |
Structure |
38 |
2001 |
19-24 |
published |
R. Catrin |
C. Gachot, G. Marchand, U. Schmid, F. M�cklich |
„Selective Wet Chemical Etching of Metallic Thin Films Designed by Laser Interference Metallurgy (LIMET)“ |
SPIE Proceedings |
7362 |
2009 |
736217-1-6 |
Conference proceeding: SPIE Europe Microtechnologies for the New Millennium (Dresden, 4-6 Mai 09) | DOI:10.1117/12.821333 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Selzner |
N. Jeanvoine, A. Velichko, F. M�cklich |
„Untersuchung des Erosionsverhaltens von silberbasierten Kontaktwerkstoffen mittels FIB-Techniken“ |
Sonderheft Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik |
2008 |
published |
F. Fourouzan |
S Gunasekaran, A. Hedayati, E. Vuorinen, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Low Alloy High Strength Quenchend and Partitioned Steel“ |
Solid State Phenomena |
258 |
2016 |
574-578 |
doi: 10-4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.258.574 |
published |
F. Forouzan |
S. Gunasekaran, Al Hedayati, E. Vuorinen, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties of low alloy high strength quenched and partitioned steel“ |
Solid State Phenomena |
258 |
2017 |
574 - 578 |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich |
„Synthesis of RuAl/ZrO2 Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying and Subsequent Annealing“ |
Scripta Materialia |
49 |
2003 |
3 |
207-212 |
published |
H.A. Gobran |
K. W. Liu, D. Heger, F. M�cklich |
„Investigation on Point Defect Structure in Single Phase B2 Type RuAl Alloys by Lattice Parameter Measurements“ |
Scripta Materialia |
49 |
2003 |
12 |
1097-1102 |
published |
H.A. Gobran |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Determination of Vacancy Concentration as a Function of Composition in the B2 Type RuAl Intermetallic Compound“ |
Scripta Materialia |
2006 |
submitted |
C. Holzapfel |
W. Sch�f, M. Marx, H. Vehoff, F. M�cklich |
„Interaction of Cracks with Precipitates and Grain Boundaries: Understanding Crack Growth Mechanisms through Focused Ion Beam Tomography“ |
Scripta Materialia |
56 |
2007 |
697-700 |
published |
K. Woll |
C. Holzapfel, H. A. Gobran, F. M�cklich |
„Single-Phase Interdiffusion in B2-RuAl Intermetallic Compound“ |
Scripta Materialia |
57 |
2007 |
1 |
1-4 |
published |
S. P. Harimkar |
C. Daniel, C. Holzapfel, P. Leibenguth, F. M�cklich, N. B. Dahotre |
„Validation of Crystallographic Correlation for Faceted Morphology in Laser Surface Engineered Alumina Ceramic“ |
Scripta Materialia |
57 |
2007 |
401-404 |
published |
J. Barrirero |
J. Li, M. Engstler, N. Ghafoor, P. Schumacher, M. Od�n, F. M�cklich |
„Cluster formation at the Si/liquid interface in Sr and Na modified Al-Si alloys“ |
Scripta Materialia |
117 |
2016 |
16-19 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.02.018 |
published |
I. El Azhari |
J. Barrirero, J. Garcia, F. Soldera, L. Llanes, F. Mücklich |
„Atom Probe Tomography investigations on grain boundary segregation in polycrystalline Ti(C,N) and Zr(C,N) CVD coatings“ |
Scripta Materialia |
162 |
2019 |
335-340 |
doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.11.041 |
published |
T. Dahmen |
M. Engstler, C. Pauly, P. Trampert, N. de Jonge, F. M�cklich, P. Slusallek |
„Feature Adaptive Sampling for Scanning Electron Microscopy“ |
Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group |
2016 |
DOI: 10.1038/srep25350 |
published |
Y. Wang |
J. Ghanbaja, S. Bruy�re, F. Soldera, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J. F. Pierson |
„Room temperature self-assembled growth of vertically aligned columnar copper oxide nanocomposite thin films on unmatched substrates“ |
Scientific Reports 7 |
2017 |
1-9 |
DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10540-6 |
published |
K. Woll |
A. Bergamaschi, K. Nordlung, K. Avchachov, D. Flyura, C. Wagner, F. M�cklich, C. Pauly |
„Ru/Al Multilayers Integrate Maximum Energy Density and Ductility for Reactive Materials“ |
Scientific Reports |
2015 |
accepted |
L. Reinert |
F. Lasserre, C. Gachot, P. Gr�tzmacher, T. MacLucas, N. Souza, F. M�cklich, S. Suarez |
„Long-lasting solid lubrication by CNT-coated patterned surfaces“ |
Scientific Reports |
7 |
2017 |
42873 |
Doi: 10.1038/srep42873 |
published |
A. I. Kovalev |
D. L. Wainstein, V. O. Vakhrushev, R. Gago, F. Soldera, J. L. Endrino, G. S. Fox-Rabinovich, S. Veldhuis |
„Features of electronic and lattice mechanisms of transboundary heat transfer in multilayer nanolaminate TiAlN/Ag coatings“ |
Scientific Reports |
7 |
17078 |
DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17291-4 |
published |
S.M. Azimi |
D. Britz, M. Engstler, M. Fritz, F. Mücklich |
„Advanced Steel Microstructural Classification by Deep Learning Methods“ |
Scientific Reports |
8 |
2018 |
1 |
2128 |
published |
L. Reinert |
M. Zeiger, S. Su�rez, V. Presser, F. M�cklich |
„Dispersion analysis of carbon nanotubes, carbon onions and nanodiamonds for their application as reinforcement phase in nickel metal matrix composites “ |
RSC Advances |
2015 |
95149-95159 |
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra14310a |
published |
N. Souza |
F Lasserre, A Blickley, M Zeiger, S Suarez, M Duarte, V Presser, F M�cklich |
„Upcycling spent petroleum cracking catalyst: pulsed laser deposition of single-wall carbon nanotubes and silica nanowires“ |
RSC Advances |
6 |
2016 |
72596 - 72606 |
DOI: 10.1039/C6RA15479D |
published |
N. Souza |
M. Zeiger, V. Presser, F. M�cklich |
„In situ tracking of defect healing and purification of single-wall carbon nanotubes with laser radiation by time-resolved Raman spectroscopy“ |
RSC Advances |
5 |
2015 |
76 |
62149 - 62159 |
doi:10.1039/C5RA09316C |
published |
N. Souza |
M. Roble, D. E. Diaz-Droguett, F. M�cklich |
„Scaling up single-wall carbon nanotube laser annealing: effect on electrical resistance and hydrogen adsorption“ |
RSC Advances |
7 |
2017 |
9 |
5084 - 5092 |
doi:10.1039/C6RA27794B |
published |
A. L. Marzocca |
F. Soldera, M. Zalazar, M. I. Luppo |
„Study of the microstructure of a weld bead P91 steel by transmission electron microscopy“ |
Revista Mat�ria |
23 |
2018 |
2 |
published |
F. Kraemer |
C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, S. Wiese |
„Simulation of a flip chip onding technique using reactive foils“ |
Proceedings, Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulationand Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), 2015 16th International Conference on |
2015 |
published |
R. Catrin |
T. Gries, D. Horwat, S. Migot, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure of Sputter-deposited Noble Metal-Incorporated Oxide Thin Films Patterned by Means of Laser Interference“ |
Proceedings of the Materials Research Society |
1339 |
2011 |
DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.861 |
published |
B. Raillard |
C. Gachot, M. Hans, P. Leibenguth, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructural characterization of laser-irradiated bulk copper under dry sliding conditions“ |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology |
226 |
2012 |
6 |
541-551 |
DOI: 10.1177/1350650112440924 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Velichko |
F. M�cklich |
„Shape Analysis and Classification of Complex Objects Applied to Graphite in Cast Iron“ |
Proceedings of 9th ECSIA and 7th STERMAT Vol.II |
2005 |
315-322 |
ISBN 83-917834-4-8, J.Chraponski, J. Cwajna & L.Wojnar (Ed.), Zakopane, Poland |
published |
E.A. Alvarez |
C.G. Oliver, F. Soldera, J.L. Garc�a |
„Densification and FIB, SEM, TEM Microstructures of WC Composites with Fe or Co Matrices“ |
Procedia Materials Science |
8 |
2015 |
406-413 |
published |
S. Fang |
F. Soldera, A. Rosenkranz, T. Herrmann, D. Bähre, L. Llanes, F. Mücklich |
„Microstructural and Metallurgical Assessment of the Laser-Patterned Cemented Tungsten Carbide (WC-CoNi)“ |
Procedia Manufacturing |
26 |
2018 |
198-204 |
doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.027 |
published |
S. Fang, |
T. Herrmann, A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot, F.G. Marro, F. M�cklich, L. Llanes, D. B�hre |
„Tribological Performance of Laser Patterned Cemented Tungsten Carbide Parts“ |
Procedia CIRP |
2016 |
439-443 |
published |
S. Fang |
T. Herrmannc, A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot, F.G. Marro, F. M�cklich, L. Llanes, D. B�hre |
„Tribological Performance of Laser Patterned Cemented Tungsten Carbide Parts“ |
Procedia CIRP |
2016 |
439-443 |
DOI:10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.228 |
published |
A.F. Lasagni |
C. Gachot, K.E.Trinh, M. Hans, A. Rosenkranz, T. Roch, S. Eckhardt. T. Kunze, M. Bieda, D. G�nther, V. Lang, F. M�cklich |
„Direct laser interference patterning, 20 years of development: From the basics to industrial applications“ |
Proc. SPIE 10092, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XI |
1009211 |
doi: 10.1117/12.2252 |
published |
C. Gachot |
M. Hans, R. Catrin, U. Schmid, F. M�cklich |
„Tuned Wettability of Material Surfaces for tribological Applications in miniaturized Systems by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Proc. of SPIE |
7362 |
2009 |
73620U-1 |
DOI: 10.1117/12.821661 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Rossi, P. |
Engstler, M., M�cklich, F. |
„Homogeneity Quantification Method and its Application to Microstructure Assessment“ |
Practical Metalography |
51 |
2014 |
180-199 |
published |
A. Velichko |
F. M�cklich |
„Shape Analysis and Classification of Irregular Graphite Morphology in Cast Iron“ |
Practical Metallography |
43 |
2006 |
4 |
192-208 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
C. Holzapfel, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„3D-Investigations of Plasma Erosion Craters using FIB/SEM Dual-Beam Techniques“ |
Practical Metallography |
43 |
2006 |
3 |
107-119 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. M�cklich |
„Analysis of Periodical Structures Produced by Laser Interference Structuring by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry“ |
Practical Metallography |
43 |
2006 |
1 |
16-29 |
published |
K. Roberts |
G. Weikum, F. M�cklich |
„Examinations of the Automatic Classification of Lamellar Graphite Using the Support Vector Machine“ |
Practical Metallography |
42 |
2005 |
396-410 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Soldera |
N. Ilic, F. M�cklich |
„TEM-Investigations of Erosion Craters Caused by Electrical Discharge“ |
Practical Metallography |
42 |
2005 |
11 |
546-554 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Daniel |
F. M�cklich |
„Quantification of Periodic Surface Structures by White-Light Interferometry“ |
Practical Metallography |
41 |
2004 |
6 |
277-285 |
published |
T. Recktenwald |
F. M�cklich |
„A Periodic Modification of Polymer Surfaces by Laser Interference Structuring“ |
Practical Metallography |
40 |
2003 |
614-636 |
published |
C. Daniel |
F. M�cklich, J. M�ller, P. Rehbein, V. Haas |
„Characterization of Periodic Micro-/Nano-Patterns for Wear Minimization of Electrical Contacts“ |
Practical Metallography |
40 |
2003 |
8 |
377-386 |
published |
T. Recktenwald |
Z. Liu, T. Laurent, F. M�cklich |
„A Quantitative Characterization of Periodic Microstructures on Surfaces Induced by Laser Interference“ |
Practical Metallography |
40 |
2003 |
6 |
287-300 |
published |
D. Katrakova |
F. M�cklich |
„Specimen Preparation for Electron Backscatter Diffraction - Part I: Metals“ |
Practical Metallography |
38 |
2001 |
547-565 |
published |
D. Katrakova |
F. M�cklich |
„Investigation of the Corrosion of Steels in Marine Environment Using Orientation Imaging Microscopy“ |
Practical Metallography |
37 |
2000 |
643-657 |
published |
F. Soldera |
M. Sierra Rota, N. Ilic, F. M�cklich |
„Quantification of Localised Loss of Material“ |
Practical Metallography |
37 |
2000 |
9 |
477-486 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Ohligschl�ger |
F. M�cklich |
„Untersuchungen zur Quantifizierung von Dendritenstrukturen in Gu�werkstoffen mit Hilfe der Hough-Transformation und der Autokorrelationsfunktion“ |
Practical Metallography |
30 |
1999 |
401-409 |
published |
M. Maurer |
F. M�cklich |
„Quantifizierung von lokalem Materialabtrag durch Lichtbogenerosion mittels Wei�lichtinterferometrie“ |
Practical Metallography |
30 |
1999 |
287-292 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
D. Katrakova |
„Gef�ge - Kontraste - Interpretationen“ |
Practical Metallography |
35 |
1999 |
35-43 |
published |
D. Katrakova |
C. Maas, D. Hohnerlein, F. M�cklich |
„Experiences on Contrasting Microstructure Using Orientation Imaging Microscopy“ |
Practical Metallography |
35 |
1998 |
1 |
4-20 |
published |
T. Magenreuter |
A. Velichko, F. M�cklich |
„Abh�ngigkeit der formcharakteristischen Parameter Rundheit und Kompaktheit verschiedener Graphitmorphologien von der Vergr��erung“ |
Practical Metallography |
2 |
2008 |
53-71 |
published |
F. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Sample Preparation of Al-alloys for 3D-FIB Nano-characterization“ |
Practical Metallography |
45 |
2008 |
5 |
246-250 |
published |
A.Velichko |
F. M�cklich |
„Quantitative 3D-Gef�geanalyse � Stereologie oder Tomographie?“ |
Practical Metallography |
45 |
2008 |
423-439 |
published |
F. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, C. Holzapfel, M. Engstler, F. M�cklich |
„3D Microstructural Study of AlSi8Mg5 Alloy by FIB-Tomography“ |
Practical Metallography |
47 |
2010 |
9 |
487-499 |
DOI: 10.3139/147.110088 |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
C. Holzapfel, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„3D Investigations of Plasma Erosion Craters using FIB/SEM Dual- Beam Techniques“ |
Practical Metallography |
43 |
2006 |
9 |
470-482 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Ladutkin |
C. Bruch, C. G�nther, H. Aboulfadl, F. M�cklich |
„Characterization of an Albite Inclusion Containing MgO by Atom Probe Tomography“ |
Practical Metallography |
50 |
2013 |
607-615 |
DOI: 10.3139/147.110262 |
published |
M�cklich, F. |
Engstler, M., Britz, D., Barrirero, J., Rossi, P. |
„Why We Need All Dimensions to Solve Both Very Old and Very New Questions in Materials at the Micro-, Nano- and Atomic Scales“ |
Practical Metallography |
52 |
2015 |
9 |
507-524 |
doi: 10.3139/147.110360 |
published |
Rossi, P. |
Engstler, M., M�cklich, F. |
„Quantitative Classification and Assessment of Sr Modification in Hypoeutectic Al-Si and Al-Si-Mg Alloys“ |
Practical Metallography |
52 |
2015 |
10 |
571-589 |
doi: 10.3139/147.110361 |
published |
K. Rochlus |
S. Slawik, F. M�cklich |
„Influences of the Edge Area Preparation Suitable for EBSD of Ferrous Materials of Different Degrees of Hardness“ |
Practical Metallography |
53 |
2016 |
393-407 |
doi:10.3139/147.110405 |
submitted |
E. Ramos-Moore |
A. Rosenkranz |
„Failure Analysis of Slurry Pump Impeller Fractured at Collahuasi Mine“ |
Practical Metallography |
2016 |
Accepted in PM 28.09.2016 |
accepted |
D. Britz |
J. Webel, J. Gola, F. M�cklich |
„A Correlative Approach to Capture and Quantify Substructures by Means of Image Registration“ |
Practical Metallography |
54 |
2017 |
10 |
685-696 |
published |
B. Reinsch |
S. Nufer, F. Soldera, F. Mücklich |
„Metallographic Evaluation of Selective Oxidation for the Temperature Measurement on Spark Plug Electrodes“ |
Practical Metallography |
55 |
2018 |
19-36 |
published |
Hans, M. |
Rojan, A.-L., M�cklich, F. |
„Imaging Structural Damage of Bacteria on antibacterial Copper - a Scanning Electron Microscopy Study Using FIB Cross-Sectioning“ |
Pract. Metallogr. |
52 |
2015 |
4 |
205-213 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
D. Acevedo, C. Barbero, F. M�cklich |
„Direct Patterning of Polystyrene-polymethyl Methacrylate Copolymer by Means of Laser Interference Lithography using UV Laser Irradiation“ |
Polymer Engineering and Science |
48 |
2008 |
12 |
2367-2372 |
DOI: 10.1002/pen.21189 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. Woll |
P. Souza, A. Barnoush, F. M�cklich |
„RuAl Intermetallic Compound as Prospective Material for Functional Coating Applications“ |
Plansee Seminar 2009 Proceedings |
1 |
2009 |
RM 35/1-RM 35/8 |
published |
F. Wang |
I.A. Abrikosov, S. Simak, M. Od�n, F. M�cklich, F. Tasn�di |
„Coherency effects on the mixing thermodynamics of cubic Ti1-xAlxN/TiN(001) multilayers“ |
Physical Review B |
93 |
2016 |
174201 |
published |
Y. Wang |
S. Lany, J. Ghanbaja, Y. Fagot-Revurat, Y.P. Chen, F. Soldera, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J.F. Pierson |
„Electronic structures of Cu2O, Cu4O3, and CuO: A joint experimental and theoretical study“ |
Physical Review B |
94 |
2016 |
255 |
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.245418 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„OIM and X-Ray Texture Analysis of Melt-Textured YBCO Superconductors“ |
Physica Status Solidi C |
2 |
2005 |
1708 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200460816 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Orientation of Embedded Y2BaCuO5 Particles within the YBa2Cu3Ox Matrix in Melt-Textured YBCO Superconductors“ |
Physica Status Solidi C |
2 |
2005 |
1714 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200460817 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Y. Hao |
F. M�cklich, G. Petzow |
„Correlation between Scattering Behaviour of H.C.P. Single Crystals and Incorporated Dislocation Arrangement Quantified by the Fourier Transformation“ |
Physica Status Solidi A |
158 |
1996 |
9 |
9-17 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
H. Oettel |
„Measurement of Harmonic Reflections - An X-ray Method for Real Structure Analysis of Semiconducting Compounds“ |
Physica Status Solidi A |
129 |
1992 |
323-335 |
published |
S. Getlawi |
M. Theis, S. Friedrich, A. Koblischka-Veneva, M. R. Koblischka, M. Saumer, U. Hartmann |
„Characterization of Electroplated, Thick Permalloy Films“ |
Physica Status Solidi A |
205 |
2008 |
255 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200723621; presented at the 3rd Seeheim conference on magnetism, Frankfurt, Germany, 26.8.-30.8.2007 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
M. Kirsch, M. Brust, A. Koblischka-Veneva, U. Hartmann |
„Preparation of Thin Ferrite Films on Silicon Substrates“ |
Physica Status Solidi A |
205 |
2008 |
1783-1786 |
presented at the 3rd Seeheim conference on magnetism, Frankfurt, Germany, 26.8.-30.8.2007 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, U. Hartmann, S. Murphy, I. V. Shvets |
„Study of Cross-sections of Magnetite Thin Films by Means of Electron-backscatter Diffraction“ |
Physica Status Solidi A |
205 |
2008 |
1835-1838 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.200723634; presented at the 3rd Seeheim conference on magnetism, Frankfurt, Germany, 26.8.-30.8.2007 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Suarez |
F. Lasserre, O. Prat, F. M�cklich |
„Processing and interfacial reaction evaluation in MWCNT/Ni composites“ |
physica status solidi (a) |
211 |
2014 |
7 |
1555�1561 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431018 |
published |
T. Jung |
L. Kreiner, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, A.M. Edmonds, M. Markham, C. Becher |
„Reproducible fabrication and characterization of diamond membranes for photonic crystal cavities“ |
Physica Status Soldi (a) |
213 |
2016 |
12 |
3254-3264 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, M. Murakami |
„Comparative Study of Grain Orientation in Melt-Textured HTSC with Different Additions“ |
Physica C |
426-431 |
2005 |
618-624 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2005.01.064 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, K. Ogasawara, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Position-dependent Texture Analysis of Melt-textured YBCO by Means of Electron Backscatter Diffraction“ |
Physica C |
392 |
2003 |
607-612 |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
A. Koblischka-Veneva, E.S. Reddy, G. J. Schmitz, K. Ogasawara, M. Murakami |
„Orientations of Y2BaCuO5 and YBCO within Melt-textured and Directional Solidified Samples Studied by EBSD“ |
Physica C |
392 |
2003 |
589-595 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka |
„Microstructural Studies of K2CO3 and Rb2CO3 Doped YBCO HTSC“ |
Physica C |
392 |
2003 |
596-600 |
published |
K. Ogasawara |
N. Sakai, A. Koblischka-Veneva, M. R. Koblischka, M. Murakami |
„Subgrain Structures and Superconductivity in RE-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors“ |
Physica C |
386 |
2003 |
225-230 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, P. Simon, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Electron Backscatter Diffraction Study of Polycrystalline Yba2Cu3O7-x Ceramics“ |
Physica C |
382 |
2002 |
311-322 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, F. M�cklich |
„Embedded Y2Ba4CuNbOx Nanoparticles in Melt-Textured YBCO Studied by Means of EBSD“ |
Physica C |
445-448 |
2006 |
379-381 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2006.04.022 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, T. Qu, Z. Han, F. M�cklich |
„Texture Analysis of Monofilamentary, Ag-sheathed (Pb,Bi)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Tapes by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)“ |
Physica C |
463 |
2008 |
3 |
174-182 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2007.11.006 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, M. Murakami |
„Magneto-Optical and Microstructural Investigations on KCIO3-Doped YBCO HTSC“ |
Physica |
2001 |
201-204 |
published |
Y. Wang |
J. Ghanbaja, F. Soldera, P. Boulet, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J.-F. Pierson |
„Local Homoepitaxial Growth in Sputtered NiO Thin Films: An Effective Approach to Tune the Crystallization, Preferred Growth Orientation, and Electrical Properties“ |
Phys. Status Solidi, RRL |
12 |
2018 |
DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201800191 |
published |
N. Shulumba |
O. Hellman, Z. Raza, B. Alling, J. Barrirero, F. M�cklich, I.A. Abrikosov, M. Od�n |
„Lattice Vibrations Change the Solid Soubility of an Alloy at High Temperatures“ |
Phy. Rev. Lett. |
117 |
2016 |
205502 |
published |
F. Soldera |
N. Ilic, S. Br�nnstr�m, I. Barrientos, H. Gobran, F. M�cklich |
„Formation of Al2O3 Scales on Single Phase RuAl Produced by Reactive Sintering“ |
Oxidation of Metals |
59 |
2003 |
5 |
529-542 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M.A. Guitar |
F. M�cklich |
„Isothermal Oxidation Behaviour of Nanocrystalline RuAl Intermetallic Thin Films“ |
Oxidation of Metals |
80 |
2013 |
80 |
423-436 |
DOI 10.1007/s11085-013-9409-8 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Riedrich-M�ller |
L. Kipfstuhl, C. Hepp, E. Neu, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, A. Baur, M. Wandt, S. Wolff, M. Fischer, S. Gsell, M. Schreck, C. Becher |
„One- and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond“ |
Nature Nanotechnology |
7 |
2012 |
69-74 |
DOI:10.1038/nnano.2011.190 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Y. Motemani |
D. Khare, A. Savan, M. Hans, A. Paulsen, J. Franzel, C. Somsen, F. M�cklich, G. Eggeler, A. Ludwig |
„Nanostructured Ti-Ta thin films synthesized by combinatorial glancing angle sputter deposition“ |
Nanotechnology |
27 |
2016 |
495604 |
published |
J. Riedrich-M�ller |
C. Arend, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, M. Fischer, S. Gsell, M. Schreck, C. Becher |
„Deterministic coupling of a single silicon-vacancy color center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond“ |
Nano Letters |
14 |
2014 |
9 |
5281�5287 |
DOI: 10.1021/nl502327b |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„FEM-Simulation of Local Heating and Melting During Electrical Discharge Plasma Impact“ |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering |
12 |
2004 |
835-844 |
published |
A Lasagni |
F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„FEM simulation of local heating and melting during electrical discharge plasma impact“ |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering |
12 (2004) |
2004 |
835-844 |
DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/12/5/005 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. M�cklich |
G. Petzow |
„Development of Beryllium Single Crystal Material for Monochromator Applications“ |
Mineral Proc. and Extract. Met. Rev. |
13 |
1994 |
193-227 |
published |
A. Ababneh |
A. N. Al-Omari, A.�M.�K.�Dagamseh, M.�Tantawi, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, D. Feili, H. Seidel |
„Electrical and morphological characterization of platinum thin-films with various adhesion layers for high temperature applications“ |
Microsystem Technologies |
23 |
2017 |
3 |
703-709 |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
C. Selzner, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„In Situ FIB-Surface Preparation of Ag/SnO Composites for EBSD Measurements“ |
Microscopy und Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
2 |
1532-1533 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607076246 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, S. Murphy, S. K. Arora, F. M�cklich, U. Hartmann, I. V. Shvets |
„Misorientations in [0 0 1] Magnetite Thin Films Studied by Electron Backscatter Diffraction“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
362-363 |
presented at MC2007, 2.-7.9.2007, Saarbr�cken, Germany |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Babu, D. A. Cardwell, F. M�cklich |
„EBSD-Analysis of Nanoparticles Embedded in High-Tc Superconductors“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
360-361 |
presented at MC2007. 2.-7..9.2007, Saarbr�cken, Germany |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
A. Koblischka-Veneva, P. Das, T. Wolf, F. M�cklich, U. Hartmann |
„Nanostripes in (Nd,Eu,Gd)Ba2Cu3Ox (NEG) Single Crystals“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
356-357 |
presented at MC2007, 2.-7.9.2007, Saarbr�cken, Germany |
published |
F. Soldera |
Y. Gaillard, M. Anglada Gomila, F. M�cklich |
„FIB-Tomography of Nanoindentation Cracks in Zirconia Polycrystals“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
2 |
1510-1511 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607075654 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Holzapfel |
F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Answering Questions in Materials Science using FIB/SEM Dual Beam Methods“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
86-87 |
DOI : 10.1017/S1431927607080439 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Getlawi |
M. R. Koblischka, F. Soldera, U. Hartmann |
„Structuring of Permalloy by means of Electron-beam Lithography and Focused Ion Beam Milling“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
358-359 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607081792 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Soldera |
N. Jeanvoine, K. Trinh, F. M�cklich |
„Investigation of the Structure of Plasma Erosions Craters using a SEM/FIB Dual Beam Workstation“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
13 |
2007 |
3 |
422-423 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607082116 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. M�cklich |
M. Engstler |
„Microstructure Tomography in the Micro, Nano and Atomic scale � Advanced Access to Understand Local Formation as well as Degradation of Materials Microstructure“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
16 |
2010 |
2 |
688-689 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927610063154 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Balach |
F. Soldera, D. F. Acevedo, F. M�cklich, C. A. Barbero |
„A Direct and Quantitative Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Internal Structure of Disordered Mesoporous Carbon with Tailored Pore Size“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
19 |
2013 |
745-750 |
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613000238 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. M�cklich |
J. Webel, H. Aboulfadl, N. Lindow, H.-C. Hege |
„Correlative Tomography - Extraction of Reliable Information with Adequate Resolution from mm Scale Down to Sub-nm Scale“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
20 |
2014 |
838-839 |
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927614005911 |
published |
D. Britz |
A. Hegetschweiler, F. M�cklich |
„Opening the door to fundamental understanding of structure and color metallography - A correlative Microscopy Study on Steel“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
20 |
2014 |
834-835 |
published |
T. Dahmen |
N. de Jonge, P. Trampert, M. Engstler, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, P. Slusallek |
„"Smart Microscopy" Feature based adaptive ampling for Forcused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy“ |
Microscopy and Microanalysis |
22 |
2016 |
632 |
published |
F. Forouzan |
A. Guitar, E. Vuorinen, F. M�cklich |
„Effect of carbon partitioning, carbide precipitation and grain size on toughness of welded and quenched and partitioned (Q&P) low carbon steel “ |
Metals |
8 |
2018 |
DOI: 10.3390/met8100747 |
published |
J. H. Li |
J. Barrirero, M. Engstler, H. Aboulfadl, F. M�cklich, P. Schumacher |
„Nucleation and Growth of Eutectic Si in Al-Si Alloys with Na Addition“ |
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A |
46 |
2015 |
3 |
1300-1311 |
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2702-6 |
published |
D. Britz |
J. Webel, A. S. Schneider, F. M�cklich |
„Identifying and quantifying mricrostructures in low-alloyed steels: a correlative approach“ |
Metallurgia Italiana |
3 |
2017 |
5 - 10 |
published |
M. Hans |
C. Gachot, R. Catrin, B. Raillard, F. M�cklich |
„Laserinterferenzstrukturierung zur Funktionalsisierung von Kupferwerkstoffen“ |
Metall |
63 |
2009 |
11 |
579-581 |
published |
Jos� Garcia |
Thais Carvalho Miranda, Haroldo C. Pinto, Flavio Soldera, Frank M�cklich |
„3D-FIB characterization of wear in WC-Co coated composites“ |
Materials Science Forum |
825-826 |
2015 |
995-1000 |
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.825-826.995 |
published |
J. Garc�a |
T. Carvalho Miranda, Haroldo C. Pinto, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„3D-FIB characterization of wear in WC-Co coated composites“ |
Materials Science Forum |
825-826 |
2015 |
995-1000 |
published |
F. Forouzan |
N. Strandqvist, E. Vuorinen, E.Navara, F. M�cklich |
„Effect of Tempering on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded and Post-Weld Treated AHSS Specimens“ |
Materials Science Forum |
2017 |
18 - 24 |
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.891.18 |
published |
S. Su�rez |
F. Lasserre, F. Soldera, R. Pippan, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructural thermal stability of CNT-reinforced composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ |
Materials Science and Engineering: A |
626 |
2015 |
122-127 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.12.065 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, U. Hartmann, Y. Zhou, S. Murphy, I.V. Shvets |
„EBSD Analysis of the Growth of [001] Magnetite Thin Films on MgO Substrates“ |
Materials Science and Engineering B |
144 |
2007 |
64-68 |
presented at E-MRS spring meeting 2007, Strasbourg, Symposium H, �Nanoscale tailoring of defect structures for optimized functional & multifunctional oxide films� |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Babu, F. M�cklich |
„EBSD Analysis of Melt-textured YBCO with Embedded Ag-2411 Nanoparticles“ |
Materials Science and Engineering B |
151 |
2008 |
65 |
presented at 6th PASREG 2007, Cambridge, U.K., 13.9.-15.9.2007 | DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2008.02.012 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
M. Winter, P. Das, U. Hartmann, A. Koblischka-Veneva, F. M�cklich |
„Nanostripes in GdBa2Cu3Ox High-Tc Superconductors“ |
Materials Science and Engineering B |
151 |
2008 |
74-78 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2008.02.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
„Investigation of Bulk, Melt-textured Superconductors on the Nanoscale“ |
Materials Science and Engineering B |
151 |
2008 |
47-52 |
presented at 6th PASREG 2007, Cambridge, U.K., 13.9.-15.9.2007 |
published |
N. Ilic |
R. Rein, M. G�ken, M. Kempf, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Properties of Eutectic Ru-Al Alloy Produced by Ingot Metallurgy“ |
Materials Science and Engineering A |
2002 |
38-44 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Marx |
W. Sch�f, H. Vehoff, C. Holzapfel |
„Interaction of Microcracks with Selected Interfaces: Focused Ion Beam for a Systematic Crack Initiation“ |
Materials Science and Engineering A |
435-436 |
2006 |
595-601 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2006.07.042 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich |
„Formation of Nano-RuAl by Mechanical Alloying and its Thermal Stability“ |
Materials Science and Engineering |
2002 |
112-117 |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich, W. Pitschke, R. Birringer, K. Wetzig |
„Synthesis of Nanocrystalline B2 Structured (Ru,Ni)Al in the Ternary Ru-Al-Ni System by Mechanical Alloying and its Thermal Stability“ |
Materials Science and Engineering |
2001 |
187-197 |
published |
F.L. Miguel |
R. M�ller, S. Mathur, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure and mechanical properties of electrodeposited Ni and Ni�matrix-nanocomposite thin films“ |
Materials Science and Engineering |
A, 646 |
2015 |
254-262 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2015.08.069 |
published |
S. Suarez |
F. Lasserre, F. M�cklich |
„Mechanical properties of MWNT/Ni bulk composites: Influence of the microstructural refinement on the hardness“ |
Materials Science & Engineering A |
587 |
2013 |
381-386 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2013.08.058 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S.A. Brinkmann |
M. Frensemeier, C.M. Laursen, H.J. Maier, D.Britz, A.S. Schneider, F. M�cklich, C.P. Frick |
„Effect of Indentation Temperature on Nickel-Titanium Indentation-Induced Two-Way Shape-Memory Surfaces“ |
Materials Science & Engineering A |
2016 |
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2016.08.036 |
accepted |
F. Forouzan |
E. Vuorinen, F. M�cklich |
„Post weld-treatment of laser welded AHSS by application of quenching and partitioning technique“ |
Materials Science & Engineering A |
2017 |
accepted |
Z. Liu |
X. K. Meng, T. Recktenwald, F. M�cklich |
„Patterned Intermetallics Reaction of Ni3Al by Laser Interference Structuring“ |
Materials Science & Engineering |
2003 |
101-103 |
published |
C. Carrasco |
G. Inzunza, C. Camurri, C. Rodr�guez, L. Radovic, F. Soldera, S. Suarez |
„Optimization of mechanical properties of Al-metal matrix composite produced by direct fusion of beverage cans“ |
Materials Science & Engineering |
617 |
2014 |
146�155 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.08.057 |
published |
K. Woll |
R. K. S. Chinnam, F. M�cklich |
„Thin-Film Synthesis and Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of B2-RuAl“ |
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings |
1128 |
2009 |
U06-10 |
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-1128-U06-10 |
published |
F. Lasserre |
S. Suarez, F. M�cklich |
„Ultrasonic assisted polyol-reduction of HAuCl4 for nanoparticle decoration of multiwall carbon nanotubes“ |
Materials Research Express |
3 |
2016 |
12 |
DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/3/12/125007 |
published |
S. Fang |
L. Llanes, M. Engstler, D. B�hre, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Surface Topography Quantification of Super Hard Abrasive Tools by Laser Scanning Microscopy“ |
Materials Performance and Characterization |
5 |
2016 |
5 |
796-815 |
published |
D. Britz |
A. Hegetschweiler, M. Roberts, F. M�cklich |
„Reproducible Surface Contrasting and Orientation Correlation of Low-Carbon Steels by Time-Resolved Beraha Color Etching“ |
Materials Performance and Characterization |
5 |
2016 |
5 |
553 - 563 |
published |
N. Haberkorn |
A.M. Cond�, M. Sirena, F. Soldera, F.C. Lovey |
„Single crystalline β phase Cu�Zn nanowires: Synthesis and martensitic transformation“ |
Materials Letters |
124 |
2014 |
256�260 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.03.101 |
published |
M.J. Mor�n |
A.M. Cond�, F. Soldera, M. Sirena, N. Haberkorn |
„Martensitic transformation in freestanding and supported Cu�Al�Ni thin films obtained at low deposition temperatures“ |
Materials Letters |
184 |
2016 |
177-180 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2016.08.027 |
published |
H. Aboulfadl |
F. Seifried, M. St�ber, F. M�cklich |
„Interdiffusion in as-deposited Ni/Ti multilayer thin films analyzed by atom probe tomography“ |
Materials Letters |
236 |
2018 |
92-95 |
published |
A. Bachmaier |
H. Aboulfadl, M. Pfaff, F. M�cklich, C. Motz |
„Structural evolution and strain induced mixing in Cu�Co composites studied by transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography“ |
Materials Characterization |
100 |
2015 |
178-191 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2014.12.022 |
published |
P. Domenichini |
A.M. Cond�, F. Soldera, M.Sirena, N. Haberkorn |
„Influence of the microstructure on the resulting 18R martensitic transformation of polycrystalline Cu-Al-ZN thin films obtained by sputtering and reactive annealing“ |
Materials Characterization |
114 |
2016 |
289-295 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.03.008 |
accepted |
A. Kruglova |
M. Roland, S. Diebels, T. Dahmen, P. Slusallk, F. M�cklich |
„Modelling and characterization of ductile fracture surface in Al-Si alloys by means of Voronoi tessellation“ |
Materials Characterization |
131 |
2017 |
1 - 11 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2017.06.013 |
published |
K. Aristizabal |
A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez |
„On the reinforcement homogenization in CNT/metal matrix composites during severe plastic deformation“ |
Materials Characterization |
136 |
2018 |
375-381 |
published |
M. A. Guitar |
A. Scheid, S. Su�rez, D. Britz, M. Duarte Guigou, F. M�cklich |
„Secondary carbides in high chromium cst irons: an alternative approach to their morphological and spatial distribution characterization“ |
Materials Characterization |
144 |
2018 |
621-630 |
published |
J. Webel |
J. Gola, D. Britz, F. M�cklich |
„A new analysis approach based on Haralick texture features for the characterization of microstructure on the example of low-alloy steels “ |
Materials Characterization |
144 |
2018 |
584-596 |
published |
M. Maril |
P. Tobosque, J. Nunez, C.A. Rodriguez, M.P. Delplancke, J. L. Delplancke, M. Yacaman, M.Josefina Arellano-Jimenez, F. Soldera, C. Carrasco |
„Synthesis and structural analysis of electrodeposited Pb-Co films for oxygen evolution applications“ |
Materials Characterization |
148 |
2019 |
323-329 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2018.12.031 |
published |
K. Aristizabal |
A. Katzensteiner, M. Leoni, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez |
„Evolution of the lattice defects and crystalline domain size in carbon nanotube metal atrix composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ |
Materials Characterization |
2019 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.06.019 |
published |
S. Bagherifard |
S. Slawik, I. Fern�ndez-Pariente, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, M. Guagliano |
„Nanoscale surface modification of AISI 316L stainless steel by severe shot peening“ |
Materials & Design |
102 |
2016 |
68-77 |
doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2016.03.162 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
C. Gachot, R. Catrin, U. Schmid, A. Lasagni |
„Macroscopic 2D Design of Micro/Nano Grain Architectures by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. |
1059-KK04- |
2008 |
published |
J. J. Roa |
H. Aboulfadl, J. Barrirero, M. Turon-Vinas, F. M�cklich, M. Anglada |
„Chemical segregation in a 12Ce-ZrO2/3Y-ZrO2 cermanic composite“ |
Mater. Charact. |
132 |
2017 |
83-91 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
M. Hans, C. Gachot, A. Thome, S. Bonk, F. M�cklich |
„Direct Laser Interference Patterning: Tailoring of Contact Area for Frictional and Antibacterial Properties“ |
Lubricants |
4 |
2016 |
2 |
1-15 |
published |
L. Reinert |
S Su�rez, A Rosenkranz |
„Tribo-Mechanisms of Carbon Nanotubes: Friction and Wear Behavior of CNT-Reinforced Nickel Matrix Composites and CNT-Coated Bulk Nickel“ |
Lubricants |
4 |
2016 |
2 |
11 |
DOI:10.3390/lubricants4020011 |
published |
C. Gachot |
CJ Hsu, S Suarez, P Gr�tzmacher, A Rosenkranz, A Stratmann, G Jacobs |
„Microstructural and Chemical Characterization of the Tribolayer Formation in Highly Loaded Cylindrical Roller Thrust Bearings“ |
Lubricants |
4 |
2016 |
2 |
19 |
DOI:10.3390/lubricants4020019 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
M. Hans, C. Gachot, A. Thome, S. Bonk, F. M�cklich |
„Laser Surface Patterning - Tailoring of Contact Area for Frictional and Antibacterial Properties“ |
Lubricants |
4 |
2016 |
15 |
Accepted in Lubricants 19.01.2016; doi:10.3390/lubricants4010002 |
published |
C.J. Hsu |
A. Stratmann, A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot |
„Enhanced growth of ZDDP based tribofims on laser-interference patterned cylinder roller bearings“ |
Lubricants |
5 |
2017 |
39 |
doi:10.3390/lubrican |
published |
S. Bettscheider |
P.G. Gr�tzmacher, A. Rosenkranz |
„Low friction and high solid-solid contactratio - a contradiction for laser-patterened surfaces?“ |
Lubricants |
5 |
2017 |
35 |
doi:10.3390/lubricants5030035 |
published |
S. Fang |
C.-J. Hsu, S. Klein, L. Llanes, D. Bähre, F. Mücklich |
„Influence of Laser Pulse Number on the Ablation of Cemented Tungsten Carbides (WC-CoNi) with Different Grain Size“ |
Lubricants |
6 |
2018 |
doi:10.3390/lubricants6010011 |
published |
F. M�ller |
C. Zeitz, H. Mantz, K.-H. Ehses, F. Soldera, J. Schmauch, M. Hannig, S. H�fner, K. Jacobs |
„Elemental Depth Profiling of Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite: Saving Your Dentition by the Skin of Your Teeth?“ |
Langmuir |
26 |
2010 |
24 |
18750-18759 |
DOI: 10.1021/la102325e | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Acevedo |
A. Lasagni, M. Cornejo, M. Politano, C. Barbero, F. M�cklich |
„Large Area Fabrication of Tuned Polystyrene/Poly-methylmethacrylate Periodic Structures using Laser Interference Patterning“ |
Langmuir |
25 |
2009 |
16 |
9624 |
DOI: 10.1021/la9007944 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Hans |
A. Erbe, S. Mathews, Y. Chen, M. Solioz, F. M�cklich |
„Role of Copper Oxides in Contact Killing of Bacteria“ |
Langmuir |
29 |
2013 |
16160-16166 |
DOI 10.1021/la404091z | PDF vorhanden |
published |
D. Bruch |
D. Henes, P. Leibenguth, C. Holzapfel |
„Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steel Forgings with Large Wall Thicknesses“ |
La Metallurgica Italiana |
2008 |
6 |
7-13 |
17-19.06.2007, Grado, Italien |
published |
F. M�cklich |
S. Hartmann, M. J. Hoffmann, G. A. Schneider, J. Ohser, G. Petzow |
„Quantitative Description of Silicon Nitride Microstructures“ |
Key Engineering Materials |
1994 |
465-469 |
published |
A. Szurdak |
A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot, G. Hirt, F. Mücklich |
„Manufacturing and tribological investigation of hot micro-coined lubrication pockets“ |
Key Engineering Materials |
611-612 |
2014 |
417-424 |
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611-612.417 |
published |
E. Jim�nez-Piqu� |
A. Ramos, J. A. Mu�oz-Tabares, A. Hatton, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, M. Anglada |
„Focused ion beam tomography of zirconia degraded under hydrothermal conditions“ |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
32 |
2012 |
10 |
2129-2136 |
DOI:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.02.011 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
E. Roitero |
M. Ochoa, M. Anglada, F. Mücklich, E. Jimenez-Pique |
„Low temperature degradation of laser patterned 3Y-TZP: Enhancement of resistance after thermal treatment“ |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
38 |
2018 |
1742-1749 |
10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2017.10.044 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Nabu, D.A. Cardwell, F. M�cklich |
„Crystallographic Orientation of Y2Ba4CuMOx (M = Nb, Zr, Ag) Nanoparticles Embedded in Melt-Textured YBCO Studied by EBSD“ |
Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
90 |
2007 |
2582-2588 |
published |
A. Montenegro-Hernández |
A. Soldati, L. Mogni, H. Troiani, A. Schreiber, F. Soldera, A. Caneiro |
„Reactivity at the Ln2NiO4+d/electrolyte interface (Ln = La, Nd) studied by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy“ |
Journal of Power Sources |
265 |
2014 |
6-13 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.04.082 |
published |
M. Alishahi |
F. Mahboubi, S.M. Mousavi Khoie, M. Aparicio, R. H�bner, F. Soldera, R. Gago |
„Electrochemical behavior of nanocrystalline Ta/TaN multilayer on 316L stainless steel: Novel bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel-cells“ |
Journal of Power Sources |
322 |
2016 |
1-9 |
dx.doi.org/10.1016/jpowsour.2016.04133 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Babu, D. A. Cardwell |
„EBSD Characterisation of Y2Ba4CuUOx Phase in Melt-textured YBCO with Addition of Depleted Uranium Oxide“ |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
43 |
2006 |
438-441 |
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/109 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka, N. Hari Babu, D. A. Cardwell |
„Investigation of Grain Orientations of Melt-textured HTSC with Additions of Uranium Oxide, Y2O3 and Y2BaCuO5“ |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
43 |
2006 |
527-530 |
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/130 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
M. Winter, U. Hartmann, A. Koblischka-Veneva, N. Hari Babu, D. A. Cardwell |
„Analysis of Melt-textured YBCO with Nanoscale Inclusions“ |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
43 |
2006 |
522-526 |
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/129 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Winter |
M. R. Koblischka, A. Koblischka-Veneva, U. Hartmann |
„Nanostripe Structures in Light Rare Earth High Tc-Superconductors“ |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
61 |
2007 |
601-605 |
presented at. ICN+T Conf., Basel, Switzerland, 2006 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich, T. Qu, Z. Han |
„Study of Grain boundary Properties in Ag-clad Bi-2212 Tapes by Multi-phase Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis“ |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
94 |
2008 |
012011 |
presented at E-MRS spring meeting 2007, Strasbourg, Symposium J, �Interfacial nanostructures in ceramics: A multiscale approach� | DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/94/1/012011 c | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
F. M�cklich |
„FEM Simulation of the Temperature Distribution and Power Density at Platinum Cathode Craters Caused by High Voltage Ignition Discharges“ |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
42 |
2009 |
035203 |
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/42/3/035203 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
W. Chamorro |
D. Horwat, P. Pigeat, P. Miska, S. Migot, F. Soldera, P. Boulet, F. M�cklich |
„Near-room temperature single-domain epitaxy of reactively sputtered ZnO films“ |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
46 |
2013 |
255 |
1-7 |
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/23/235107 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D.F. Acevedo |
G. Mart�nez, J. T. Arana, E.I. Yslas, F. M�cklich, C. Barbero, H. J. Salavagione |
„Easy Way to Fabricate Nanostructures on a Reactive Polymer Surface“ |
Journal of Physical Chemistry B |
113 |
2009 |
44 |
14661-14666 |
DOI:10.1021/jp9074515 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
W. Chamorro |
J. Ghanbaja, Y. Battie, A. en Naciri, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, D. Horwat |
„Local Structure-Driven Localized Surface Plasmon Absorption and Enhanced Photoluminescence in ZnO-Au thin Films“ |
Journal of Physical Chemistry |
2016 |
accepted |
C.J.R. Gonz�lez Oliver |
F.C. Lovey, A. Caneiro, D.O. Russo, D.S. Rodr�guez, F. Soldera, J. E. Fiscina, J. Ma. Rinc�n |
„Crystallization of iron phosphate glasses containing up to 19 wt.% UO2.67“ |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids |
356 |
2010 |
52 |
2986-2993 |
DOI:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.06.034 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. I. Kovalev |
D.L. Wainstein, A. Yu. Rashkovskiy, R. Gago, F. Soldera, J. I. Endrino, G. S. Fox-Rabinovich |
„Interface-Induced Plasmon Nonhomogeneity in Nanostructured Metal-Dielctric Planar Metamaterial“ |
Journal of Nanomaterials |
2015 |
DOI:10.1155/2015/876247, art. no. 876247, Open Access Publication |
published |
C. Holzapfel |
F. Soldera, E. Faundez, F. M�cklich |
„Site-specific structural investigations of oxidized nickel samples modified by plasma erosion processes“ |
Journal of Microscopy |
227 |
2007 |
1 |
42-50 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Holzapfel |
F. Soldera, C. Vollmer, P. Hoppe, F. M�cklich |
„TEM Foil Preparation of Sub-micrometre Sized Individual Grains by Focused Ion Beam Technique“ |
Journal of Microscopy |
235 |
2009 |
59-66 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Balach |
F. Miguel, F. Soldera, D. Acevedo, F. M�cklich, C. Barbero |
„A direct and quantitative image of the internal nanostructure of nonordered porous monolithic carbon using FIB nanotomography“ |
Journal of Microscopy |
246 |
2012 |
3 |
274-278 |
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2012.03615.x | PDF Verf�gbar |
published |
M. Martinez Mir� |
M. Veith, J. Lee, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, R. Bennewitz, C. Aktas |
„3D and 2D structural characterization of 1D Al/Al2O3 biphasic nanostructures“ |
Journal of Microscopy |
258 |
2015 |
2 |
113-118 |
DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12221 |
published |
E. Roitero |
M. Anglada, F. Mücklich, E. Jimenez-Pique |
„Mechanical reliability of dental grade zirconia after laser patterning“ |
Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials |
86 |
2018 |
257-263 |
published |
J. Fiscina |
M. Ohligschl�ger, F. M�cklich |
„W-Cu Graded Alloys Produced by Size Segregation of Agglomerates Induced by Vertical Vibration at High Frequencies“ |
Journal of Materials Science Letters |
22 |
2003 |
1455-1457 |
published |
H. Shanak |
K.-H. Ehses, W. G�tz, P. Leibenguth, R. Pelster |
„X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of α- Polyamide 6 Films: Orientation and Structural Changes upon Uni- and Biaxial Drawing“ |
Journal of Materials Science |
44 |
2009 |
2 |
655-663 |
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-008-3062-7 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. W.Liu |
F. M�cklich, R. Birringer |
„Formation of Eutectic RuAl/Ru Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying and Subsequent Annealing“ |
Journal of Materials Research |
16 |
2001 |
9 |
2459-2462 |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich, R. Birringer |
„Formation of Eutectic RuAl/Ru Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying and Subsequent Annealing“ |
Journal of Materials Research |
16 |
2001 |
2459-2462 |
published |
R. Catrin |
D. Horwat, T. Gries, B. Raillard, S. Migot, F. M�cklich |
„Influence of Laser Interference Patterning on Microstructure and Friction Behaviour of Gold/Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Nanocomposite Thin Films“ |
Journal of Materials Research |
27 |
2012 |
6 |
879-885 |
DOI:10.1557/opl.2011.861. | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. M�cklich |
„FEM Simulation of Periodical Local Heating Caused by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology |
209 |
2009 |
1 |
202-209 |
DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2008.01.040 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. A. Guitar |
S. Su�rez, O.Prat, M.Duarte Guigou, V. Gari, G. Pereira, F. M�cklich |
„High Chromium Cast Irons: Destabilized-Subcritical Secondary Carbide Precipitation and its Effect on Hardness and Wear Properties“ |
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance |
27 |
2018 |
3877-3885 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
C. Gachot, P. Leibenguth, F. M�cklich |
„Investigation of Microstructure of Bulk Ni2MnGa Alloy by Means of Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis“ |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
316 |
2007 |
e431-e434 |
presented at III JOINT EUROPEAN MAGNETIC SYMPOSIA, June 3026, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, Y. Zhou, S. Murphy, F. M�cklich, U. Hartmann, I. V. Shvets |
„Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis Applied to (001) Magnetite Thin Films Grown on MgO Substrates“ |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
316 |
2007 |
e663-e665 |
presented at III JOINT EUROPEAN MAGNETIC SYMPOSIA, June 3026, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich |
„Advanced Microstructural Analysis of Ferrite Materials by Means of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)“ |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
322 |
2010 |
9 |
1178�1181 |
presentation at JEMS�08, September 14-19, 2008, Dublin, Ireland | DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.06.073 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, C. L. Teng, M. P. Ryan, U. Hartmann, F. M�cklich |
„EBSD Analysis of Electroplated Magnetite Thin Films“ |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
322 |
2010 |
9 |
1235-1238 |
presentation at JEMS�08 , September 14-19, 2008, Dublin, Ireland | DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.03.028 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. M�cklich |
M. Engstler |
„Gef�getomografie mit Ionen- und Elektronenstrahlen: Ein Werkzeug zur Kl�rung komplexer Gef�gebildung und lokaler Gef�gedegradation“ |
Journal of Heat Treatment of Materials |
64 |
2009 |
5 |
262-269 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
R. Hermann |
H. Vinzelberg, G. Behr, K. Woll, F. M�cklich, B. B�chner |
„Magnetic Field Controlled Floating-Zone Crystal Growth and Properties of RuAl Single Crystal“ |
Journal of Crystal Growth |
310 |
2008 |
4286-4289 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.06.082 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. Koblischka, J. Wei, Y. Zhou, S. Murphy, F. M�cklich, U. Hartmann, I.V. Shvets |
„Misorientations in [0 0 1] Magnetite Thin Films Studied by Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Magnetic Force Microscopy“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
101 |
2007 |
09M507 |
presented at the 10th Joint MMM/Intermag 2007, January 7-11, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, S. Murphy, F. M�cklich, I. V. Shvets |
„Microtexture of Magnetite Thin Films of (001) and (111) Orientation on MgO Substrates Studied by EBSD“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
103 |
2008 |
7 |
07E505 |
presented at the 52nd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, November 5-9, 2007, Tampa, USA | DOI: 10.1063/1.2837283 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Knutsson |
I.C. Schramm, k. Asp Gr�nhagen, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n |
„Surface directed spinodal decomposition at TiAlN/TiN interfaces“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
113 |
2013 |
DOI: 10.1063/1.4795155, Article Number 114305 |
published |
K.M. Calamba |
I.C. Schramm, M.P. Johansson Joesaar, J. Ghanbaja, J.F. Pierson, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n |
„Enhanced thermal stability and mechanical properties of nitrogen deficient titanium aluminum nitride (Ti0.54AI0.46Ny) thin films by tuning the applied negative bias voltage“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
122 |
2017 |
255 |
published |
C. Pauly |
K. Woll, I. Gallino, M. St�ber, H. Leiste, R. Busch, F. M�cklich |
„Ignition in termaryRu/Al-based reactive multilayers - Effects of chemistry and stacking sequence“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
124 |
2018 |
published |
Y. Wang |
P. Miska, D. Pilloud, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J.F. Pierson |
„Transmittance enhancement and optial band gab widening of Cu2O thin films after air annealing“ |
Journal of Apllied Physics |
115 |
2014 |
255 |
DOI: 10.1063/1.4865957 |
published |
R. Gago |
F. Soldera, R. H�bner, J. Lehmann, F. Munnik, L. V�zquez, A. Redondo-Cubero, J.L. Endrino |
„X-ray absorption near-edge structure of hexagonal ternary phases in sputter-deposited TiAlN films“ |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
561 |
2013 |
87-94 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.01.130 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M.A. Guitar |
E. Ramos-Moore, F. M�cklich |
„The influence of impurities on the formation of protective aluminium oxides on RuAl thin films“ |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
594 |
2014 |
165-170 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.137 |
published |
F.L. Miguel |
R. M�ller, M. Weinmann, R. Hempelmann, S. Mathur, F. M�cklich |
„Production and characterization of nanocomposite thin films based on Ni matrix reinforced with SnO2 single-crystalline nanowires for electrical contact applications“ |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
603 |
2014 |
14-18 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.03.066 |
published |
S.-M. Liang |
M. Engstler, V. Groten, J. Barrirero, F. M�cklich, A. B�hrig-Polaczek, R. Schmid-Fetzer |
„Key experiments and thermodynamic revision of the binary Al�Sr system“ |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
610 |
2014 |
443-450 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.05.018 |
published |
J. Barrirero |
M. Engstler, N. Ghafoor, N. de Jonge, M. Od�n, F. M�cklich |
„Comparison of segregations formed in unmodified and Sr-modified Al-Si alloys studied by atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy“ |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
611 |
2014 |
410-421 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.05.121 |
published |
A. Bachmaier |
H. Krenn, P. Knoll, H. Aboulfadl, R. Pippan |
„Tailoring the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Cu-Co alloys prepared by high-pressure torsion and isothermal annealing“ |
Journal of Alloy and Compounds |
725 |
2017 |
744-749 |
doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.07.200 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M R. Koblischka, K. Ogasawara, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Interplay of YBCO and Embedded 211 Particles in Melt-Textured YBCO“ |
Journal of Superconductivity |
18 |
2005 |
4 |
469-474 |
DOI: 10.1007/s10948-005-0027-9 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
U. Scholz |
D. Plachke, W. Yuan, H.-J. Carstanjen, F. M�cklich, G. Petzow |
„On the Influence of Impurities in Beryllium Single Crystal Growth“ |
Journal of Crystal Growth |
169 |
1996 |
575-577 |
published |
U. Scholz |
Z. S. Nikolic, F. M�cklich, G. Petzow |
„Determination and Modification of the Thermal Conditions in a Double Ellipsoid Mirror Furnace“ |
Journal of Crystal Growth |
169 |
1996 |
578-581 |
published |
F. Soldera |
A. Lasagni, F. M�cklich |
„FEM-Simulation of the Electrode Temperature Distribution and Crater Formation. Part I: Breakdown of an Electrical Discharge“ |
Journal de Physique IV |
120 |
2004 |
429-437 |
DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2004120049 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Soldera |
F. M�cklich |
„FEM-Simulation of the Electrode Temperature Distribution and Crater Formation. Part II: Arc and Glow Phases of an Electrical Discharge“ |
Journal de Physique IV |
120 |
2004 |
439-446 |
DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2004120050 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Fang |
L. Llanes, S. Klein, C. Gachot, A. Rosenkranz, D. B�hre, F. M�cklich |
„Frictional Performance Assessment of Cemented Carbide Surfaces Textured by Laser“ |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Sience and Engineering |
258 |
2017 |
1-6 |
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/258/1/012006 |
published |
E. Raoms-Moore |
A. Rosenkranz, L.F.Matamala, A. Videla, A. Duran, J. Ramos-Grez |
„Effect of Surface Etsching and Electrodeposition of Copper on Nitinol“ |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
258 |
2017 |
1-9 |
published |
F. A. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, I. Huertas-Olivares, C. Holazapfel, F. M�cklich |
„3D Nano-Characterisation of Materials by FIB-SEM/EDS Tomography“ |
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
7 |
2010 |
012016 |
DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/7/1/012016 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Katzensteiner |
K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier |
„Temperature dependent structural evolution in nickel/carbon nanotube composites processed by high-pressure torsion“ |
IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. |
194 |
2017 |
12019 |
Doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/194/1/012019 |
published |
K. Aristizabal |
S. Suarez, A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. M�cklich |
„Evolution of the microstructure in carbon nanotube reinforced Nickel matrix composites processed by high-pressure torsion“ |
IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. |
258 |
2017 |
12008 |
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/258/1/012008 |
published |
H.A. Gobran |
F. M�cklich |
„Synthesis of Single Phase RuAl Intermetallic Compound by Reactive Powder Processing“ |
International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis |
15 |
2006 |
1 |
71 |
published |
A. Velichko |
F. M�cklich |
„Quantitative 3D Characterisation of Graphite Morphology in Cast Iron � Correlation between Processing, Microstructure and Properties“ |
International Journal of Materials Research |
8 |
2009 |
1031-1037 |
DOI: 10.3139/146.110148 |
published |
F. G. Marro |
R. Chintapalli, P. Hvizdos, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, M. Anglada |
„Study of Near Surface Changes in Yttria-doped Tetragonal Zirconia after Low Temperature Degradation“ |
International Journal of Materials Research |
100 |
2009 |
1 |
92-96 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. Koblischka, |
M. Winter, A. Koblischka-Veneva, U. Hartmann |
„Nanoscale Flux Pinning Sites in High-Tc Superconductors“ |
International Journal of Condensed Matter, Advanced Materials and Superconductivity Research |
6 |
2008 |
199-217 |
published |
N. Ilic |
F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, M. T. Jovanovic |
„Oxidation Behavior of Ru(Al)-RuAl Intermetallic Eutectics Produced by Ingot and Powder Metallurgy“ |
Intermetallics |
13 |
2005 |
5 |
444-453 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2004.06.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich |
„High-Temperature Stability of Nano-Grained B2-Structured RuAl-Based Intermetallics by Mechanical Alloying“ |
Intermetallics |
13 |
2005 |
3 |
373-376 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2004.07.015 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. M�cklich |
A. Lasagni, C. Daniel |
„Laser Interference Metallurgy � Periodic Surface Patterning and Formation of Intermetallics“ |
Intermetallics |
13 |
2005 |
3 |
437-442 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2004.07.005 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Ilic |
F. M�cklich |
„RuAl and its Alloys: Part I � Structure, Physical Properties, Microstructure and Processing“ |
Intermetallics |
13 |
2005 |
5-21 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2004.05.005 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Soldera |
N. Ilic, N. Manent Conesa, I. Barrientos, F. M�cklich |
„Influence of the Microstructure on the Formation of Al2O3 Scales in Near Stoichiometric RuAl Produced by Arc Melting“ |
Intermetallics |
13 |
2005 |
1 |
101-107 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2004.06.002 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
H.A. Gobran |
N. Ilic, F. M�cklich |
„Effects of Particle Size and Pressure on the Reactive Sintering of RuAl Intermetallic Compound“ |
Intermetallics |
12 |
2004 |
5 |
555-562 |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich |
„Synthesis of Nano-RuAl by Mechanical Alloying“ |
Intermetallics |
9 |
2001 |
81-88 |
published |
F. M�cklich |
N. Ilic, K. Woll |
„RuAl and its Alloys: Part II �Mechanical Properties, Environmental Resistance and Applications“ |
Intermetallics |
16 |
2008 |
593-608 |
DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2008.02.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. Woll |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Effects of composition and grain size on the interdiffusional behaviour in B2-RuAl intermetallic compound“ |
Intermetallics |
18 |
2010 |
4 |
553-559 |
DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2009.10.002 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Zotov |
K. Woll, F. M�cklich |
„Phase Formation of B2-RuAl during Annealing of Ru/Al Multilayers“ |
Intermetallics |
18 |
2010 |
8 |
1507-1516 |
DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2010.04.001| PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. Woll |
A. Barnoush, R. Hermann, F. M�cklich |
„Single-Crystal Mechanical Properties of B2-RuAl Intermetallic Compound“ |
Intermetallics |
2010 |
submitted |
B. Bax |
S. Slawik, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich |
„Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Ru-Fe-Al system at 1473 K“ |
Intermetallics |
64 |
2015 |
96-101 |
DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2015.05.002 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
S.A. Khan, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Wear behavior of micro-coined steel surfaces under mixed lubrication“ |
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology |
2016 |
Accepted in Industrial Lubrication and Tribology |
accepted |
R. Puyol |
S. Suarez |
„A Contact Resistance Measurement Setzup fot the Study of Novel Contacts“ |
2017 |
3-6 |
published |
F. Soldera |
F. M�cklich, K. Hrastnik, T. Kaiser |
„Description of the Discharge Process in Spark Plugs and its Correlation with the Electrode Erosion Patterns“ |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
53 |
2004 |
4 |
1257-1265 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
P. Li |
U. Bakowsky, F. Yu, C. Loehbach, F. M�cklich, C. M. Lehr |
„Laser Ablation Patterning by Interference Induces Directional Cell Growth“ |
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience |
2 |
2003 |
9 |
138-145 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, F. M�cklich, Y. Zhou, S. Murphy, I.V. Shvets |
„Crystallographic Orientation Analyses of Magnetite Thin Films Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)“ |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics |
42 |
2006 |
2873-2875 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, �D. Lisjak, �D. Makovec, F. M�cklich |
„Texture analysis of ferrite materials by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)“ |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics |
2008 |
1072 |
PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. Trinh |
E. Ramos-Moore, I. Green, C. Pauly, M. Zamanzade, F. M�cklich |
„Topographical and Microstructural Effects of Laser Surface Texturing on Tin-coated Copper Electrical Connectors under Load Cycling“ |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology |
2015 |
accepted |
G. Grass |
M. Hans, F. M�cklich, M. Solloz, C. Rensing |
„Massive Kupferwerkstoffe in der Hygiene und Infektionspr�vention“ |
Hygiene&Medizin |
40 |
2015 |
11 |
458-463 |
published |
J. Fiscina |
D. Jankovic-Ilic, F. M�cklich |
„Applying the Brazil Nut Approach to Manufacture W-Cu Graded Materials“ |
Granular Matter |
6 |
2004 |
207-213 |
published |
D. S. Rodr�guez |
P. A. Arboleda, D. O. Russo, F. Soldera, C. J. R. Gonz�lez-Oliver, J. M. Rinc�n |
„Thermal behaviour of iron aluminium phosphate glasses containing UO2�67“ |
Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A |
54 |
2013 |
3 |
111-118 |
published |
J. Kodol�nyi |
P. Hoppe, E. Gr�ner, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich |
„The Mg isotope composition of presolar silicate grains from red giant stars“ |
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta |
140 |
2014 |
577-605 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.05.053 |
published |
K. Khurana |
F. Müller, K. Jacobs, T. Faidt, J.-U.Neurohr, S. Grandthyll, F. Mücklich, C. Canal, M. Pau Ginebra |
„Plasma polymerized bioceramics for drug delivery: Do surface changes alter biological behaviour?“ |
European Polymer Journal |
107 |
2018 |
25-33 |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
A. Velichko, C. Selzner, F. M�cklich |
„Nanotomography of Electrical Contacts � New Insights by High Resolution 3D Analysis of Local Material Degradation“ |
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics |
49 |
2008 |
255 |
1-6 |
DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2009210 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Torge |
P. Gr�tzmacher, F. M�cklich, M. Schneider |
„The influence of mannitol on morphology and disintegration of spray-dried nano-embedded microparticles“ |
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
104 |
2017 |
171 - 179 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.04.003 |
published |
M. Linz |
H. Winkelmann, K. Hradil, E. Badisch, F. M�cklich |
„Directional development of residual stress and surface fatigue during sliding contact“ |
Engineering Failure Analysis |
35 |
2013 |
678-685 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2013.06.011| PDF verf�gbar |
published |
R. Szamocki |
A. Velichko, F. M�cklich, S. Reculusa, S. Ravaine, S. Neugebauer, W. Schuhmann, R. Hempelmann, A. Kuhn |
„Improved enzyme immobilization for enhanced bioelectrocatalytic activity of porous electrodes“ |
Electrochemistry Communications |
9 |
2007 |
8 |
2121-2127 |
published |
Holzapfel, C. |
Pauly, C. Engstler, M., M�cklich, F. |
„Electron beam characterization techniques for the study of wear in sliding contacts“ |
Electrical Contacts (Holm), 2015 IEEE 61st Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts |
2015 |
227-234 |
doi: 10.1109/HOLM.2015.7355102 |
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E. Dalib�n |
D. Heim, C. Forsich, A. Rosenkranz, M.A. Guitar |
„Characterization of thick and soft DLC coatings deposited on plasma nitrided austenitic stainless steel“ |
Diamond and Related Materials |
59 |
2015 |
73-79 |
doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2015.09.010 |
published |
S. Suarez |
L. Reinert, F. M�cklich |
„Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Reinforced Metal Matrix Bulk Composites: Manufacturing and Evaluation“ |
Diamond and Carbon Composites and Nanocomposites |
2016 |
published |
G. Mitov |
J. Gessner, U. Lohbauer, K. Woll, F. M�cklich, P. Pospiech |
„Subcritical Crack Growth Behavior and Life Data Analysis of Two Types of Dental Y-TZP Ceramics“ |
Dental Materials |
27 |
2011 |
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684�691 |
DOI:10.1016/j.dental.2011.03.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
G. Mitov |
S. D. Heintze, S. Walz, K. Woll, F. M�cklich, P. Pospiech |
„Wear Behavior of Dental Y-TZP Ceramic against Natural Enamel after Different Finishing Procedures“ |
Dental Materials |
28 |
2012 |
8 |
909-918 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2012.04.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
E. Roitero |
F. Lassere, M. Anglada, F. M�cklich, E. Jim�nez-Piqu� |
„A parametric study of laser interference surface patterning of dental zirconia: Effects of laser parameters on topography and surface quality“ |
Dental Materials |
33 |
2017 |
pp. e28-e38 |
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F. M�cklich |
Y. Hao |
„Metallic and Nonmetallic X-ray Monochromators for Synchrotron Sources“ |
Current Option in Solid State & Materials Science |
2 |
1997 |
3 |
311-317 |
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A.I. Kovalev |
A. Rashkovskiy, Yu., D. L. Wainstein, R. Gago, F. Soldera, J. L. Endrino |
„Influence of electronic structure, plasmon-phonon and plasmon-polariton excitations on anomalously low heat conductivity in TiAlN/Ag nanoscale multilayer coatings“ |
Current Applied Physics |
16 |
2016 |
4 |
459-468 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.cap.2016.01.012 |
published |
J.-F. Pierson |
Y. Wang, J. Ghanbaja, S. Bruy�re, P. Boulet, F. Soldera, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich |
„Local heteroepitaxial growth to promote the selective growth orientation, crystallization and interband transition of sputtered NiO thin films“ |
CrystEngComm |
18 |
2015 |
1732-1739 |
published |
Y. Wang |
J. Ghanbaja, S. Bruy�re, P. Boulet, F. Soldera, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J. F. Pierson |
„Local heteroepitaxial growth to promote the selective growth orientation, crystallization and interband transition of sputtered NiO thin films“ |
CrystEngComm |
18 |
2016 |
1732 |
DOI: 10.1039/c5ce02419f |
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A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich |
„Orientation Imaging Microscopy Applied to BaTiO3 Ceramics“ |
Crystal Engineering |
5 |
2002 |
235-242 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
F. M�cklich, M. R. Koblischka |
„A Study of Grain Orientation of Alkali Doped Polycrystalline YBCO Ceramics using an EBSD Technique“ |
Crystal Engineering |
5 |
2002 |
411-418 |
published |
A. Koblischka-Veneva |
M. R. Koblischka, K. Ogasawara, F. M�cklich, M. Murakami |
„Orientation Imaging Microscopy Analysis of Bulk, Melt-textured YBCO Superconductors“ |
Crystal Engineering |
5 |
2002 |
265-272 |
published |
F. Soldera |
A. Lasagni, F. M�cklich, T. Kaiser, K. Hrastnik |
„Determination of the Cathode Erosion and Temperature for the Phases of High Voltage Discharges using FEM Simulations“ |
Computational Materials Science |
32 |
2005 |
123-139 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2004.06.004 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Y. Hao |
F. M�cklich, G. Petzow |
„Correlation between the Dislocation Configuration and the Related Scattering Behaviour of hcp Single Crystals by Application of the Fourier Transformation Approach“ |
Computational Materials Science |
7 |
1996 |
167-172 |
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J. Gola |
D. Britz, T. Staudt, M. Winter, A.S. Schneider, M. Ludovici, F. Mücklich |
„Advanced Microstructure Classification by Data Mining Methods“ |
Computational Materials Science |
148 |
2018 |
324-335 |
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D. Horwat |
M. Dehmas, A. Guti�rrez, J.-F. Pierson, A. Anders, F. Soldera, J.-L. Endrino |
„Efficient, Low Cost Synthesis of Sodium Platinum Bronze NaxPt3O4“ |
Chemistry of Materials |
24 |
2012 |
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2429-2432 |
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm301179x | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Lee |
P. Srimuk, K. Aristizabal, C. Kim, S. Choudhury, Y.C.Nah, F. M�cklich, V. Presser |
„Pseudocapacitive Desalination of Brackish Water and Seawater with Vanadium-Pen toxide-Decorated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes“ |
Chem. Sus. Chem. |
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2017 |
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S. Fang |
L. Llanes, D. B�hre, F. M�cklich |
„3D characterization of cubic boron nitride (CBN) composites used as tool material for high precision abrasive machining processes“ |
Ceramics International |
43 |
2017 |
17 |
14693-14700 |
published |
S. Suarez |
E. Ramos-Moore, F. M�cklich |
„A high temperature X-ray diffraction study of the influence of MWCNTs on the thermal expansion of MWCNT/Ni composites“ |
Carbon |
51 |
2013 |
404-409 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.09.002 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Suarez |
A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Enhanced tribological properties of MWCNT/Ni bulk composites � Influence of processing on friction and wear behaviour“ |
Carbon |
66 |
2014 |
164-171 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.08.054 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Suarez |
E. Ramos-Moore, B. Lechthaler, F. M�cklich |
„Grain growth analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube-reinforced bulk Ni composites“ |
Carbon |
70 |
2014 |
173-178 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.12.089 | PDF verf�gbar |
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K. Aristizabal |
A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. M�cklich, S. Suarez |
„Study of the structural defects on carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ |
Carbon |
125 |
2017 |
156-161 |
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F. Yu |
P. Li, H. Shen, S. Mathur, C.-M. Lehr, U. Bakowsky, F. M�cklich |
„Laser Interference Lithography as a New and Efficient Technique for Micropatterning of Biopolymer Surface“ |
Biomaterials |
26 |
2005 |
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2307-2312 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.07.021 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Yu |
F. M�cklich, P. Li, H. Shen, S. Mathur, C.-M. Lehr, U. Bakowsky |
„In Vitro Cell Response to Polymer Surface Micropatterned by Laser Interference Lithography“ |
Biomacromolecules |
6 |
2005 |
1160-1167 |
DOI: 10.1021/bm049324w | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Hans |
S. Mathews, F. M�cklich, M. Solioz |
„Physicochemical properties of copper important for its antibacterial activity and development of a unified model“ |
Biointerphases |
11 |
2016 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4935853 |
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J. Luo |
C. Hein, F. M�cklich, M. Solioz |
„Killing of bacteria by copper, cadmium, and silver surfaces reveals relevant physicochemical parameters“ |
Biointerphases |
12 |
2017 |
2 |
020301 |
published |
S. Weyand |
D. Britz, D. Rupp, F. M�cklich |
„Investigation of Austenite Evolution in Low Carbon Steel by Combining Thermo-Mechanical Simulation and EBSD-Data“ |
ASTM International Journal on Materials Performance and Characterization, Special Issue: Acceleration of Alloy Design via Physical Process Simulation |
4 |
2015 |
3 |
322-340 |
published |
M. Hans |
F. M�ller, S. Grandthyll, S. H�fner, F. M�cklich |
„Anisotropic wetting of copper alloys induced by one-step laser micro-patterning“ |
Applied Surface Sience |
263 |
2012 |
416-422 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.09.071 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Daniel |
F. M�cklich, Z. Liu |
„Periodical Micro-Nano-Structuring of Metallic Surfaces by Interfering Laser Beams“ |
Applied Surface Sciences |
2003 |
317-321 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. M�cklich |
„Structuring of metallic bi- and tri-nano-layer films by laser interference irradiation: control of the structure depth“ |
Applied Surface Science |
247 |
2005 |
32-37 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.01.063 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
K. W. Liu |
C. Gachot, P. Leibenguth, F. M�cklich |
„Combinatorial Experiment in Ni-Ti Thin Films by Laser Interference Structuring“ |
Applied Surface Science |
247 |
2005 |
550-555 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.01.123 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
V. Sivakov |
C. Petersen, C. Daniel, H. Shen, F. M�cklich, S. Mathur |
„Laser Induced Local and Periodic Phase Transformation in Iron Oxide Thin Films Obtained by Chemical Vapour Deposition“ |
Applied Surface Science |
247 |
2005 |
513-517 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.01.088 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Daniel |
F. M�cklich |
„Micro-Structural Characterization of Laser Interference Irradiated Ni-Al Multi-Films“ |
Applied Surface Science |
242 |
2005 |
140-146 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.08.008 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
F. M�cklich |
„Study of the Multilayer Metallic Films Topography Modified by Laser Interference Irradiation“ |
Applied Surface Science |
240 |
2005 |
214-221 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.06.143 | PDF verf�gbar |
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E. Favret |
N. O. Fuentes, F. Yu |
„RIMAPS and Variogram analysis of the Surface Topography Induced by Laser Interference Micropatterning“ |
Applied Surface Science |
230 |
2004 |
60-72 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Production of Two-Dimensional Periodical Structures by Laser Interference Irradiation on Metallic Thin Films“ |
Applied Surface Science |
253 |
2006 |
1555-1560 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.02.041 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
C. Holzapfel, T. Weirich, F. M�cklich |
„Laser Interference Metallurgy: A New Method for Periodic Surface Microstructure Design on Multilayered Metallic Thin Films“ |
Applied Surface Science |
253 |
2007 |
8070-8074 |
published |
C. Petersen |
A. Lasagni, C. Holzapfel, C. Daniel, F. M�cklich, M. Veith |
„SEM/TEM Characterization of Periodical Novel Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Micro-composites Obtained by Laser Interference Structuring: The System HAlO-Al�Al2O3“ |
Applied Surface Science |
253 |
2007 |
8022-8027 |
published |
F. Soldera |
G. Burdiles, U. Schmid, H. Seidel, F. M�cklich |
„Investigation of the Interaction between Electrical Discharges and Low Resistivity Silicon Substrates“ |
Applied Surface Science |
254 |
2008 |
7 |
2150-2157 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.08.087 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. R. S. Castro |
A. Lasagni, H. K. Schmidt, F. M�cklich |
„Direct Laser Interference Patterning of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-based Transparent Conductive Coatings“ |
Applied Surface Science |
254 |
2008 |
18 |
5874-5878 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.03.140 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
M. D�Alessandria, R. Giovanelli, F. M�cklich |
„Advanced Design of Periodical Architectures in Bulk Metals using Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Applied Surface Science |
254 |
2007 |
930-936 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.08.010 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. D�Alessandria |
A. Lasagni, F. M�cklich |
„Direct Micro-patterning of Aluminum Substrates via Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Applied Surface Science |
255 |
2008 |
5 |
3210-3216 |
DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.09.018 |
published |
C. Gachot |
R. Catrin, A. Lasagni, U. Schmid, F. M�cklich |
„Comparative Study of Grain Sizes and Orientation in Microstructured Au, Pt and W Thin Films Designed by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Applied Surface Science |
255 |
2009 |
5626-5632 |
DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.10.032 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
R. Catrin |
D. Horwat, J.-F. Pierson, S. Migot, Y. Hu, F. M�cklich |
„Nano-Scale and Surface Precipitation of Metallic Particles in Laser Interference Patterned Noble Metal Oxide Thin Films“ |
Applied Surface Science |
257 |
2011 |
12 |
5223-5229 |
DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.11.060 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M.F. Broglia |
S. Suarez, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, C.A. Barbero, R. Bellingeri, F. Alustiza, D. Acevedo |
„Direct laser interference patterning of polystyrene films doped with azo dyes, using 355 nm laser light“ |
Applied Surface Science |
300 |
2014 |
86�90 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.02.008 |
published |
M. Hans |
J. C. T�mara, S. Mathews, B. Bax, A. Hegetschweiler, R. Kautenburger, M. Solioz, F. M�cklich |
„Laser cladding of stainless steel with a copper�silver alloy to generate surfaces of high antimicrobial activity“ |
Applied Surface Science |
320 |
2014 |
195-199 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.09.069 |
published |
Y. Wang |
J. Ghanbaja, F. Soldera, S. Migot, P. Boulet, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J.F. Pierson |
„Tuning the structure and preferred orientation in reactively sputtered copper oxide thin films“ |
Applied Surface Science |
335 |
2015 |
85-91 |
DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.02.028 |
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P. Gr�tzmacher |
A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot |
„How to Guide Lubricants - Tailored Laser Surface Patterns on Stainless Steel“ |
Applied Surface Science |
370 |
2016 |
59-66 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.115 |
published |
C. Gachot |
A. Rosenkranz, R. Buchheit, N.Souza, F.M�cklich |
„Tailored frictional properties by Penrose inspired surfaces produced by direct laser interference patterning“ |
Applied Surface Science |
367 |
2016 |
174-180 |
published |
M. R. Koblischka |
M. Winter, A. Koblischka-Veneva, M. Muralidhar, F. M�cklich, U. Hartmann |
„Nanostripes in (Nd0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3Ox superconductors“ |
Applied Physics Letters |
91 |
2007 |
082508 |
published |
R. Albrecht |
A. Bommer, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, A. W. Schell, P. Engel, T. Schr�der, O. Benson, J. Reichel, C. Becher |
„Narrow-band single photon emission at room temperature based on a single nitrogen-vacancy center coupled to an all-fiber-cavity“ |
Applied Physics Letters |
105 |
2014 |
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DOI: 10.1063/1.4893612 |
published |
K. Woll |
I. E. Gunduz, C. Pauly, C. C. Doumanidis, S. F. Son, C. Rebholz, F. M�cklich |
„Numerical modeling of self-propagating reactions in Ru/Al nanoscale multilayer foils“ |
Applied Physics Letters |
107 |
2015 |
doi: 10.1063/1.4928665 |
published |
A. I. Kovalev |
D. L. Wainstein, A. Y. Rashkovskiy, R. Gago, F. Soldera, J. L. Endrino |
„The confinement of phonon propagation in TiAIN/Ag multilayer coatings with anomalously low heat conductivity“ |
Applied Physics Letters |
108 |
2016 |
doi.org/10.1063/1.4953230 |
published |
J. Riedrich-M�ller |
S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, M. Markham, A. Edmonds, C. Becher |
„Nanoimplantation and Purcell enhancement of single nitrogen-cacany center in photonic crystal cavities in diamond“ |
Applied Physics Letters |
106 |
2015 |
221103 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
D. Acevedo, C. Barbero, F. M�cklich |
„Advanced Design of Conductive Polymeric Arrays with Controlled Electrical Resistance using Direct Laser Interference Patterning“ |
Applied Physics A |
91 |
2008 |
369-373 |
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4477-3 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. D�Alessandria |
F. M�cklich |
„Tailoring the Chemical Behavior of Aluminum for Selective Etching by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Applied Physics A |
98 |
2009 |
311-320 |
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-009-5398-5 | PDF verf�gbar |
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F. Lasserre |
A. Rosenkranz, N. Souza Carmona, M. Roble, E. Ramos-Moore, D.E. Diaz-Droguett |
„Simultaneous deposition of carbon nanotubes and decoration with gold-palladium nanoparticles by laser induced forward transfer“ |
Applied Physics A |
122 |
2016 |
p. 150 |
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-016-9682-x |
published |
H. Aboulfadl |
I. Gallino, R. Busch, F. M�cklich |
„Atomic scale analysis of phase formation and diffusion kinetics in AG/Al multilayer thin films“ |
Applied Physics |
120 |
2016 |
pp. 195306 |
doi:10.1063/1.4968013 |
published |
C. Pauly |
K. Woll, B. Bax, F. M�cklich |
„The role of transitional phase formation during ignition of reactive multilayers“ |
Applied Physical Letters |
107 |
2015 |
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http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930022 |
published |
T. Gries |
R. Catrin, S. Migot, F. Soldera, J.-L. Endrino, A. R. Landa-Canovas, F. Cleymand, D. Mangin, F. M�cklich, D. Horwat |
„Local Modification of the Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Multifunctional Au�YSZ Nanocomposite Thin Films by Laser Interference Patterning“ |
Applied Material Interfaces |
6 |
2014 |
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13707�13715 |
DOI: 10.1021/am503160w |
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S. Mathews |
M. Hans, F. M�cklich, M. Solioz |
„Contact Killing of Bacteria on Copper Is Suppressed if Bacterial-Metal Contact Is Prevented and Is Induced on Iron by Copper Ions“ |
Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
79 |
2013 |
8 |
2605-2611 |
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03608-12 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
R. Forsén |
I. C. Schramm, P. O. Å. Persson, F. Mücklich, M. Odén, N. Ghafoor |
„Nanostructuring and coherency strain in multicomponent hard coatings“ |
APL Materials |
2 |
2014 |
DOI: 10.1063/1.4901125 |
published |
R. Szamocki |
A. Velichko, C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich, S. Ravaine, P. Garrigues, N. Sojic, R. Hempelmann, A. Kuhn |
„Macroporous Ultramicroelectrodes for Improved Electroanalytical Measurements“ |
Analytical Chemistry |
79 |
2007 |
2 |
533-539 |
published |
A. Velichko |
F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure Tomography � An Essential Tool to Understand 3D Microstructures and Degradation Effects“ |
Advances in Solid State Physics |
48 |
2009 |
331-342 |
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85859-1_26 |
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J. Ohser |
F. M�cklich |
„Stereology for Some Classes of Polyhedrons“ |
Advances in Applied Probability |
27 |
1995 |
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384-396 |
published |
E. Ramos-Moore |
C. Espinoza, R. S. Coelho, H. Pinto, P. Brito, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, J. L. Garcia |
„Investigations on Thermal Stresses of a Graded Ti(C,N) Coating Deposited on WC-Co Hardmetal“ |
Advanced Materials Research |
996 |
2014 |
848-854 |
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.996.848 |
published |
A. Lasagni |
M. Seyler, C. Holzapfel, W. F. Maier, F. M�cklich |
„Periodical Gratings in Mixed Oxide Films by Laser Interference Irradiation“ |
Advanced Materials |
17 |
2005 |
2228-2232 |
DOI: 10.1002/adma.200402074 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Acevedo |
A. Lasagni, C. Barbero, F. M�cklich |
„Simple Fabrication Method of Conductive Polymeric Arrays using Direct Laser Interference Micro/Nano Patterning“ |
Advanced Materials |
19 |
2007 |
1272-1275 |
published |
R. Schieber |
F. Lasserre, M. Hans, M. Fern�ndez-Yag�e, M. Diaz-Ricart, G. Escolar, M. Ginebra, F. M�cklich, M. Pegueroles |
„Direct Laser Interference Patterning of CoCr Alloy Surfaces to Control Endothelial Cell and Platelet Response for Cardiovascular Applications“ |
Advanced Health Care Materials |
2017 |
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700327 |
published |
M. Seyler |
C. Selzner, C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich, W. F. Maier |
„Influence of Laser-induced Topography Changes on the Activity of Catalyst Coatings, Examined by Infrared Thermography“ |
Advanced Functional Materials |
18 |
2008 |
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1178 - 1185 |
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200700770 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich, H. P. Degischer |
„Three Dinemsional Characterization of Unmodified and Sr-Modified Al-Si Eutectics by FIB and FIB EDX Tomography“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
8 |
2006 |
8 |
719-723 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500276 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
M. Nejati, R. Clasen, F. M�cklich |
„Periodical Surface Structuring of Metals by Laser Interference Metallurgy as a New Fabrication Method of Textured Solar Selective Absorbers“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
6 |
2006 |
8 |
580-584 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500261 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Rager |
A. Nagel, M. Schwenger, A. Flaig, G. Schneider, F. M�cklich |
„Platinum Ceramic Composites as New Electrode Materials: Fabrication, Sintering, Microstructure and Properties“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
8 |
2006 |
1 |
81-88 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500192 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. Daniel |
T. J. Balk, T. W�bben, F. M�cklich |
„Bio-Mimetic Scaling of Mechanical Behavior of Thin Films, Coatings and Surfaces by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
7 |
2005 |
9 |
823-826 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500110 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Rager |
A. Flaig, G. Schneider, T. Kaiser, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Oxidation Damage of Spark Plug Electrodes“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
7 |
2005 |
633-640 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500025 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Periodic Pattern Formation of Intermetallic Phases with Long Range Order by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
7 |
2005 |
6 |
487-492 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200400206 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Veith |
K. Andres, C. Petersen, C. Daniel, C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„Periodical Micro-Structuring of Hydride Containing Metastable Aluminiumoxide Using Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
7 |
2005 |
1 |
27-30 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200400152 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
D. Acevedo, C. Barbero, F. M�cklich |
„One-step Production of Organized Architectures on polymeric Materials by Direct Laser Interference Patterning“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
9 |
2007 |
1 |
99-103 |
published |
A. Velichko |
C. Holzapfel, F. M�cklich |
„3D Characterization of Graphite Morphologies in Cast Iron“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
9 |
2007 |
1 |
39-45 |
published |
D. Jankovic-Ilic |
J. Fiscina, C.G. Oliver, N. Ilic, F. M�cklich |
„Self Formed Cu-W Finctionally Graded Material Produced via Powder Segregation“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
9 |
2007 |
7 |
542-546 |
published |
R. Catrin |
A. Lasagni, C. Gachot, U. Schmid und F. M�cklich |
„Microstructural Design of Advanced Architectures in Titanium/Platinum Thin Films by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
10 |
2008 |
5 |
466-470 |
DOI:10.1002/adem.200700328 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, M. Engstler, H. P. Degischer, F. M�cklich |
„Nano-characterization of Cast Structures by FIB-Tomography“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
10 |
2008 |
1 |
62-66 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200700249 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
J. Garc�a |
R. Pitonak, R. Wei�enbacher, A. K�pf, F. Soldera, S. Suarez, F. Miguel, H. Pinto, A. Kostka, F. M�cklich |
„Design and Characterization of Novel Wear Resistant Multilayer CVD Coatings with Improved Adhesion Between Al2O3 and Ti(C,N)“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
12 |
2010 |
9 |
929-934 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000130 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
N. Jeanvoine |
C. Holzapfel, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Microstructure Characterisation of Electrical Discharge Craters using FIB/SEM Dual Beam Techniques“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
10 |
2008 |
10 |
973-977 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200800108 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Duarte |
A. Lasagni, R. Giovanelli, J. Narciso, E. Louis, F. M�cklich |
„Increasing Lubricant Lifetime by Grooving Periodical Patterns using Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
10 |
2008 |
6 |
554-558 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200700321 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
M. Cornejo, F. Lasagni, F. M�cklich |
„Laser Ablation Modeling of Periodic Pattern Formation on Polymer Substrates“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
10 |
2008 |
5 |
488-493 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200700323 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Lasagni |
A. Manzoni, F. M�cklich |
„Micro/nano Fabrication of Periodic Hierarchical Structures by Multi-pulsed Laser Interference Structuring“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
9 |
2007 |
10 |
872-875 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200700176 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Hans |
C. Gachot, F. M�ller, F. M�cklich |
„Direct Laser Interference Structuring as a Tool to Gradually Tune the Wetting Response of Titanium and Polyimide Surfaces“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
11 |
2009 |
10 |
795-800 |
DOI:10.1002/adem.200900115 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
S. Suarez |
F. Soldera, C. G. Oliver, D. Acevedo, F. M�cklich |
„Thermomechanical behavior of Bulk Ni/MWNT Composites Produced via Powder Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
7 |
2012 |
14 |
499-502 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200100 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Acevedo |
E. Frontera, M. Broglia, F. M�cklich, C. Miras, C. Barbero |
„One Step Lithography of Polypyrrole“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
13 |
2011 |
5 |
405-410 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000295 |
published |
A. Hatton |
M. Engstler, P. Leibenguth, F. M�cklich |
„Characterization of Graphite Crystal Structure and Growth Mechanisms Using FIB and 3D Image Analysis“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
13 |
2011 |
3 |
136-144 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000234 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
D. Acevedo |
H. Salavagione, A. Lasagni, E. Morall�n, F. M�cklich, C. Barbero |
„SERS Active Surface in Two Steps, Patterning and Metallization“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
15 |
2013 |
5 |
325-329 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200240 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
B. Raillard |
J. R�mond, E. Ramos-Moore, N. Souza, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Wetting Properties of Steel Surfaces Modified by Laser Interference Metallurgy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
15 |
2013 |
5 |
341-346 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200247 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
M. Engstler |
S. Mayer, C. Pauly, H. Clemens, F. M�cklich |
„3D characterization of an intermetallic β/γ-titanium aluminide alloy“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
15 |
2013 |
1125-1128 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201300041 |
published |
C. Gachot |
A. Rosenkranz, B. Wietbrock, G. Hirt, F. M�cklich |
„Advanced design of hierarchical topographies in metallic surfaces by combining micro-coining and laser interference patterning“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
15 |
2013 |
503-509 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200295 |
published |
P. Rossi |
S. Suarez, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich |
„Quantitative Assessment of the Reinforcement Distribution Homogeneity in CNT/Metal Composites“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
17 |
2015 |
7 |
1017-1021 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400352 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
S. Jaeger, C. Gachot, S. Vogel, F. M�cklich |
„Wear behavior of laser-patterned piston rings in squeeze film dampers“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
17 |
2015 |
8 |
1208-1214 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400481 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
L. Reinert, C. Gachot, H. Aboulfadl, S. Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, F. M�ller, F. M�cklich |
„Oxide formation, morphology and nanohardness of laser-patterned steel surfaces“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
17 |
2015 |
8 |
1234-1242 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400487 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
S. Fleischmann, C. Gachot, F. M�cklich |
„Anisotropic spreading behavior of PAO oil on laser-patterned stainless steel surfaces“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
17 |
2015 |
11 |
1645-1651 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500115 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
A. Stratmann, C. Gachot, G. Burghardt, G. Jacobs, F. M�cklich |
„Improved Wear Behavior of Cylindrical Roller Thrust Bearings by Three Beam Laser Interference“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
18 |
2016 |
5 |
854-862 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500320 |
published |
Dalib�n, E.L. |
Guitar, M.A., Trava-Airoldi, V., M�cklich, F., Br�hl, S.P. |
„Plasma nitriding and DLC coatings for corrosion protection of precipitation hardening stainless steel“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
18 |
2015 |
5 |
826-832 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500411 |
published |
S. Suarez |
N. Souza, F. Lasserre, F. M�cklich |
„Influence of the reinforcement distribution and interface on the electronic transport properties of MWCNT-reinforced metal matrix composites“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
18 |
2016 |
9 |
1626 -1633 |
DOI:10.1002/adem.201600216 |
published |
A. Rosenkranz |
A. Szurdak, P. Gr�tzmacher, G. Hirt, F. M�cklich |
„Friction reduction induced by elliptical surface patterns under lubricated conditions“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
2017 |
255 |
1-7 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.20170031 |
published |
P.G. Gr�tzmacher |
A. Rosenkranz, A. Szurdak, C. Gachot, G. Hirt, F. M�cklich |
„Effects of Multi-Scale Patterning on the Run-In Behavior of Steel-Alumina Pairings under Lubricated Conditions“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
2017 |
255 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201700521 |
published |
M. Linz |
M. Rodriguez Ripoll, C. Pauly, J. Bernardi, A. Steiger-Thirsfeld, F. Franek, F. Mücklich, C. Gachot |
„Heterogeneous Strain Distribution and Saturation of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in a Ferritic-Pearlitik Steel durin Lubricated Sliding“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
2018 |
published |
A. Katzensteiner |
T. Müller, K. Kormout, K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier |
„Influence of Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of HPT-Deformed Nickel/Carbon Nanotube Composites“ |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
2019 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201800422 |
published |
L. Reinert |
S. Suarez, T. M�ller, F. M�cklich |
„Carbon Nanoparticle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites: Microstructural Tailoring and Predictive Modeling“ |
Adv. Eng. Mater. |
19 |
2017 |
1600750 |
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201600750 |
published |
Y. Hao |
F. M�cklich, G. Petzow |
„Investigation of the Dislocation Structure in hcp Single Crystals by Means of the Rocking Crystal Method“ |
Acta Metallurgica Sinica |
33 |
1997 |
2 |
198-206 |
published |
K. W. Liu |
F. M�cklich |
„Thermal Stability of Nano-RuAl Produced by Mechanical Alloying“ |
Acta Materialia |
49 |
2001 |
395-403 |
published |
Y. Gaillard |
E. Jim�nez-Piqu�, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, M. Anglada |
„Quantification of Hydrothermal Degradation in Zirconia by Nanoindentation“ |
Acta Materialia |
56 |
2008 |
16 |
4206-4216 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.04.050 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
A. Velichko |
C. Holzapfel, A. Siefers, K. Schladitz, F. M�cklich |
„Unambiguous Classificatio of Complex Microstructures by their Three-dimensional Parameters Applied to Graphite in Cast Iron“ |
Acta Materialia |
56 |
2008 |
9 |
1981-1990 |
published |
A. Velichko |
A. Wiegmann, F. M�cklich |
„Estimation of the Effective Conductivities of Complex Cast Iron Microstructures using FIB-tomographic Analysis“ |
Acta Materialia |
57 |
2009 |
5023-5035 |
DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2009.07.004 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
F. Lasagni |
A. Lasagni, E. Marks, C. Holzapfel, F. Mu�cklich, H.P. Degischer |
„Three-dimensional characterization of �as-cast� and solution-treated AlSi12(Sr) alloys by high-resolution FIB tomography“ |
Acta Materialia |
55 |
2007 |
3875-3882 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.03.004 | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
Y. Wang |
J. Ghanbaja, F. Soldera, P. Boulet, D. Horwat, F. M�cklich, J.F. Pierson |
„Controlling the preferred orientation in sputter-deposited Cu2O thin films: influence of the initial growth stage and homoepitaxial growth mechanism“ |
Acta Materialia |
76 |
2014 |
207-212 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.05.008 |
published |
K. Yalamanchili |
I.C. Schramm, E. Jim�nez-Piqu�, L. Rogstr�m, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n, N. Ghafoor |
„Tuning hardness and fracture resistance of ZrN/Zr0.63Al0.37N nanoscale multilayers by stress-induced transformation toughening“ |
Acta Materialia |
89 |
2015 |
22-31 |
DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.01.066 |
published |
A. Bachmaier |
M. Pfaff, M. Stolpe, H. Aboulfadl, C. Motz |
„Phase separation of a supersaturated nanocrystalline Cu-Co alloy and its influence on thermal stability“ |
Acta Materialia |
96 |
2015 |
269-283 |
doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.05.053 |
published |
S. Stanojevic |
I. Gallino, H. Aboulfadl, M. Sahin, F. M�cklich, R. Busch |
„Oxidation of glassy Ni�Nb�Sn alloys and its influence on the thermodynamics and kinetics of crystallization“ |
Acta Materialia |
102 |
2016 |
176-186 |
published |
J. Li |
J. Barrirero, G. Sha, H. Aboulfadl, F. M�cklich, P. Schumacher |
„Precipitation hardening of an Mg-5Zn-2Gd-0.4Zr (wt. %) alloy“ |
Acta Materialia |
submitted |
Li, J.H. |
Barrirero, J., Sha, G., Aboulfadl, H., M�cklich, F., Schumacher, P. |
„Precipitation hardening of an Mg-5Zn-2Gd-0.4Zr (wt. %) alloy“ |
Acta Materialia |
108 |
2016 |
207 - 218 |
doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.053 |
published |
A.Manzoni |
A. Denquin, P. Vernaut, F. Prima, U. Puente-Orench, C. Pauly, F. M�cklich, R. A. Portier |
„Constrained hierarchical twinning in Ru-based high temperature shape memory alloys Acta Materialia“ |
Acta Materialia |
111 |
2016 |
283-296 |
published |
A. Bachmaier |
J. Schmauch, H. Aboulfadl, A. Verch, C. Motz |
„On the process of co-deformation and phase dissolution in a hard-soft immiscible Cu-Co alloy system during high-pressure torsion“ |
Acta Materialia |
115 |
2016 |
333-346 |
doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.06.010 |
published |
I. C. Schramm |
M. P. Johansson J�esaar, J. Jensen, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n |
„Impact of nitrogen vacancies on the high temperature behavior of (Ti1-xAlx)Ny alloys“ |
Acta Materialia |
119 |
2016 |
218-228 |
published |
F. Wang |
Holec, D., Od�n, M., M�cklich, F., Abrikosov, I.A., Tasn�di, F. |
„Systematic ab initio investigation of the elastic modulus in quaternary transition metal nitride alloys and their coherent multilayers“ |
Acta Materialia |
127 |
2017 |
124-132 |
published |
K. Yalamanchili |
F. Wang, H. Aboulfadl, J. Barrirero, L. Rogstr�m, E. Jim�nez-Pique, F. M�cklich, F. Tasnadi, M. Od�n, N. Ghafoor |
„Growth and thermal stability of TiN/ZrAlN: Effect of internal interfaces“ |
Acta Materialia |
121 |
2016 |
396 - 406 |
doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.07.006 |
published |
I. C. Schramm |
C. Pauly, M.P. Johansson Joesaar, P. Eklund, J. Schmauch, F. M�cklich, M. Od�n |
„Solid state formation of Ti4AlN3 in cathodic arc deposited (Ti1−xAlx)Ny alloys“ |
Acta Materialia |
129 |
2017 |
268-277 |
published |
I. El Azhari |
J. Garcia M. Zamanzade, F. Soldera, C. Pauly, L. Llanes, F. Mücklich |
„Investigations on micro-mechanical properties of polycrystalline Ti(C, N) and Zr(C,N) coatings“ |
Acta Materialia |
149 |
2018 |
364-376 |
published |
Zea, L |
Nisar, Z., Rubin, P., Cortesao, M., Luo, J., McBride, S.A., Moeller, R., Klaus, D., Müller, D., Varanasi, K.K., Mücklich, F., Stodieck, L. |
„Design of a spaceflight biofilm experiment“ |
Acta Astronautica |
148 |
2018 |
148 |
294-300 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.04.039 |
published |
A.E. Giba |
P. Pigeat, S. Bruyere, H. Rinnert, F. Soldera, F. M�cklich, R. Gago, D. Horwat |
„Strong Room Temperature Blue Emission from Rapid Thermal Annealed Cerium-Doped Aluminium“ |
ACS Photonics |
4 |
2017 |
1945-1953 |
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00233 |
published |
D. Acevedo |
H. Salavagione, A. Lasagni, E. Morallon, F. M�cklich, C. Barbero |
„Fabrication of Highly Ordered Arrays of Platinum Nanoparticles Using Direct Laser Interference Patterning“ |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces |
1 |
2009 |
3 |
549 |
DOI: 10.1021/am900075z | PDF verf�gbar |
published |
C. de Melo S�nchez |
M. Jullien, J. Ghanbaja, F. Montaigne, J.-F. Pierson, F. Soldera, F. Rigoni, N. Almqvist, A. Vomiero, F. M�cklich, D. Horwat |
„Local structure and point defects-dependent Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition Approach for Facile Synthesis of p-Cu2O/n-ZnO Segmented Nano-junctions “ |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces |
2018 |
accepted |
S. Fang |
A. Rosenkranz, F.G. Marro, C. Gachot, L.Llanes, D. B�hre, F. M�cklich |
„Surface Modification of Cemented Tungsten Carbide (Wc-Co) by Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Processing and its Tribological Properties“ |
7th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes |
2016 |
accepted |
F. M�cklich |
F. Miguel, F. Soldera |
„Tomography and 3D Analysis of Microstructures and Nanowire Arrays“ |
2011 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Symposium Z: Functional Metal-Oxide Nanostructures, Boston (USA) |
2011 |
published |
C. M�hler |
F. M�cklich, G. Weikum |
„Intelligente Suche nach �tzrezepturen f�r Werkstoffe“ |
(referiertes) Proceeding der 8. GI-Fachtagung �ber Datenbanksysteme in B�ro, Technik und Wissenschaft |
1999 |
69-79 |
Freiburg; A.P. Buchmann (Ed.), Springer-Verlag |
published |
T. Kaiser |
W. Sigle, D. Goll, N. H. Goo, V. Srot, P. A. van Aken, E. Detemple, W. J�ger |
„Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Intermixing of Fe--Pt Multilayers“ |
Journal of Applied Physics |
103 |
2008 |
6 |
063913-1-063913-6 |
DOI: 10.1063/1.2884347 |
published |