Stand: 21.6.2021, 15:37

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aktuelle Anzeige: Publications (peer-review), Eingrenzung: Co-Autor, Sortierung nach: Jahr - view full database
F. Wang Holec, D., Odén, M., Mücklich, F., Abrikosov, I.A., Tasnádi, F. „Systematic ab initio investigation of the elastic modulus in quaternary transition metal nitride alloys and their coherent multilayers“ Acta Materialia 127 2017   124-132   published formated output
P.K. Yalamanchili F. Wang, I. Schramm, J.M. Andersson, M.P.J. Joesaar, F. Tasnádi, F. Mücklich, N. Ghafoor, M. Odén „Exploring the high entropy alloy concept in (AlTiVNbCr)N“ Thin Solid Films 636 2017   346-352   published formated output
K. Yalamanchili F. Wang, H. Aboulfadl, J. Barrirero, L. Rogström, E. Jiménez-Pique, F. Mücklich, F. Tasnadi, M. Odén, N. Ghafoor „Growth and thermal stability of TiN/ZrAlN: Effect of internal interfaces“ Acta Materialia 121 2016   396 - 406 doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.07.006 published formated output
F. Wang I.A. Abrikosov, S. Simak, M. Odén, F. Mücklich, F. Tasnádi „Coherency effects on the mixing thermodynamics of cubic Ti1-xAlxN/TiN(001) multilayers“ Physical Review B 93 2016   174201   published formated output

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Publica (build 111206), (c) Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe, Universität des Saarlandes, 2006. Konzept und Betreuung: Daniel Henry. Datenschutz, Impressum