Stand: 21.6.2021, 15:37

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aktuelle Anzeige: Publications (peer-review), Eingrenzung: Autor, Sortierung nach: Jahr - view full database
A. Katzensteiner T. Müller, K. Kormout, K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier „Influence of Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of HPT-Deformed Nickel/Carbon Nanotube Composites“ Advanced Engineering Materials   2019     DOI: 10.1002/adem.201800422 published formated output
K. Aristizabal A. Katzensteiner, M. Leoni, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez „Evolution of the lattice defects and crystalline domain size in carbon nanotube metal atrix composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ Materials Characterization   2019     DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.06.019 published formated output
K. Aristizabal A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez „On the reinforcement homogenization in CNT/metal matrix composites during severe plastic deformation“ Materials Characterization 136 2018   375-381   published formated output
L. Reinert S. Schütz, S. Suarez, F. Mücklich „Influence of Surface Roughness on the Lubrication Effect of Carbon Nanoparticle-Coated Steel Surfaces“ Tribol. Lett. 66 2018     doi: 10.1007/s11249-018-1001-6 published formated output
L. Reinert M. Varenberg, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez „Dry friction and wear of self-lubricating carbon nanotube-containing surfaces“ Wear 406-407 2018   33-42   published formated output
L. Reinert I. Green, S. Gimmler, B. Lechthaler, F. Mücklich and S. Suarez „Tribological behavior of self-lubricating carbon nanoparticle reinforced metal matrix composites“ Wear 408-409 2018   72-85   published formated output
C. Schäfer L. Reinert, T. MacLucas, P. Grützmacher, R. Merz, F. Mücklich and S. Suarez „Influence of surface design on the solid lubricity of carbon nanotubes-coated steel surfaces“ Tribology letters   2018   66-89   published formated output
M. A. Guitar A. Scheid, S. Suárez, D. Britz, M. Duarte Guigou, F. Mücklich „Secondary carbides in high chromium cst irons: an alternative approach to their morphological and spatial distribution characterization“ Materials Characterization 144 2018   621-630   published formated output
M. A. Guitar S. Suárez, O.Prat, M.Duarte Guigou, V. Gari, G. Pereira, F. Mücklich „High Chromium Cast Irons: Destabilized-Subcritical Secondary Carbide Precipitation and its Effect on Hardness and Wear Properties“ Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 2018   3877-3885   published formated output
L. Reinert F. Lasserre, C. Gachot, P. Grützmacher, T. MacLucas, N. Souza, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez „Long-lasting solid lubrication by CNT-coated patterned surfaces“ Scientific Reports 7 2017   42873 Doi: 10.1038/srep42873 published formated output
I. C. Schramm C. Pauly, M.P. Johansson Joesaar, S. Slawik, S. Suarez, F. Mücklich, M. Odén „Effects of nitrogen vacancies on phase stability and mechanical properties of arc deposited (Ti0.52Al0.48)Ny (y < 1) coatings“ Surface & Coatings Technology 330 2017   77-86 DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.09.043 published formated output
R. Puyol S. Suarez „A Contact Resistance Measurement Setzup fot the Study of Novel Contacts“ In: IEEE URUCON, IEEE   2017   3-6   published formated output
A. Katzensteiner K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier „Temperature dependent structural evolution in nickel/carbon nanotube composites processed by high-pressure torsion“ IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 194 2017   12019 Doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/194/1/012019 published formated output
K. Aristizabal A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. Mücklich, S. Suarez „Study of the structural defects on carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ Carbon 125 2017   156-161   published formated output
L. Reinert S. Suarez, T. Müller, F. Mücklich „Carbon Nanoparticle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites: Microstructural Tailoring and Predictive Modeling“ Adv. Eng. Mater. 19 2017   1600750 DOI: 10.1002/adem.201600750 published formated output
K. Aristizabal S. Suarez, A. Katzensteiner, A. Bachmaier, F. Mücklich „Evolution of the microstructure in carbon nanotube reinforced Nickel matrix composites processed by high-pressure torsion“ IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 258 2017   12008 DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/258/1/012008 published formated output
T. MacLucas S. Schütz, S. Suarez, F.Muecklich „Surface protection of austenitic steels by carbon nanotube coatings“ Surface Topography   2017       submitted formated output
F. Lasserre S. Suarez, F. Mücklich „Ultrasonic assisted polyol-reduction of HAuCl4 for nanoparticle decoration of multiwall carbon nanotubes“ Materials Research Express 3 2016 12   DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/3/12/125007 published formated output
S. Suarez N. Souza, F. Lasserre, F. Mücklich „Influence of the reinforcement distribution and interface on the electronic transport properties of MWCNT-reinforced metal matrix composites“ Advanced Engineering Materials 18 2016 9 1626 -1633 DOI:10.1002/adem.201600216 published formated output
S. Suarez L. Reinert, F. Mücklich „Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Reinforced Metal Matrix Bulk Composites: Manufacturing and Evaluation“ Diamond and Carbon Composites and Nanocomposites   2016       published formated output
P. Rossi S. Suarez, F. Soldera, F. Mücklich „Quantitative Assessment of the Reinforcement Distribution Homogeneity in CNT/Metal Composites“ Advanced Engineering Materials 17 2015 7 1017-1021 DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400352 published formated output
S. Suárez F. Lasserre, F. Soldera, R. Pippan, F. Mücklich „Microstructural thermal stability of CNT-reinforced composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ Materials Science and Engineering: A 626 2015   122-127 DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.12.065 published formated output
L. Reinert M. Zeiger, S. Suárez, V. Presser, F. Mücklich „Dispersion analysis of carbon nanotubes, carbon onions and nanodiamonds for their application as reinforcement phase in nickel metal matrix composites “ RSC Advances   2015   95149-95159 DOI: 10.1039/c5ra14310a published formated output
S. Suarez A. Rosenkranz, C. Gachot, F. Mücklich „Enhanced tribological properties of MWCNT/Ni bulk composites – Influence of processing on friction and wear behaviour“ Carbon 66 2014   164-171 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.08.054 | PDF verfügbar published formated output
S. Suarez E. Ramos-Moore, B. Lechthaler, F. Mücklich „Grain growth analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube-reinforced bulk Ni composites“ Carbon 70 2014   173-178 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.12.089 | PDF verfügbar published formated output
M.F. Broglia S. Suarez, F. Soldera, F. Mücklich, C.A. Barbero, R. Bellingeri, F. Alustiza, D. Acevedo „Direct laser interference patterning of polystyrene films doped with azo dyes, using 355 nm laser light“ Applied Surface Science 300 2014   86–90 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.02.008 published formated output
S. Suarez F. Lasserre, O. Prat, F. Mücklich „Processing and interfacial reaction evaluation in MWCNT/Ni composites“ physica status solidi (a) 211 2014 7 1555–1561 DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431018 published formated output
C. Carrasco G. Inzunza, C. Camurri, C. Rodríguez, L. Radovic, F. Soldera, S. Suarez „Optimization of mechanical properties of Al-metal matrix composite produced by direct fusion of beverage cans“ Materials Science & Engineering 617 2014   146–155 DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.08.057 published formated output
S. Suarez E. Ramos-Moore, F. Mücklich „A high temperature X-ray diffraction study of the influence of MWCNTs on the thermal expansion of MWCNT/Ni composites“ Carbon 51 2013   404-409 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.09.002 | PDF verfügbar published formated output
S. Suarez F. Lasserre, F. Mücklich „Mechanical properties of MWNT/Ni bulk composites: Influence of the microstructural refinement on the hardness“ Materials Science & Engineering A 587 2013   381-386 DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2013.08.058 | PDF verfügbar published formated output
S. Suarez F. Soldera, C. G. Oliver, D. Acevedo, F. Mücklich „Thermomechanical behavior of Bulk Ni/MWNT Composites Produced via Powder Metallurgy“ Advanced Engineering Materials 7 2012 14 499-502 DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200100 | PDF verfügbar published formated output
J. García R. Pitonak, R. Weißenbacher, A. Köpf, F. Soldera, S. Suarez, F. Miguel, H. Pinto, A. Kostka, F. Mücklich „Design and Characterization of Novel Wear Resistant Multilayer CVD Coatings with Improved Adhesion Between Al2O3 and Ti(C,N)“ Advanced Engineering Materials 12 2010 9 929-934 DOI: 10.1002/adem.201000130 | PDF verfügbar published formated output

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Publica (build 111206), (c) Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe, Universität des Saarlandes, 2006. Konzept und Betreuung: Daniel Henry. Datenschutz, Impressum