Stand: 21.6.2021, 15:37

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aktuelle Anzeige: Publications (peer-review), Eingrenzung: Co-Autor, Sortierung nach: Jahr - view full database
A. Katzensteiner T. Müller, K. Kormout, K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier „Influence of Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of HPT-Deformed Nickel/Carbon Nanotube Composites“ Advanced Engineering Materials   2019     DOI: 10.1002/adem.201800422 published formated output
A. Katzensteiner K. Aristizabal, S. Suarez, R. Pippan, A. Bachmaier „Temperature dependent structural evolution in nickel/carbon nanotube composites processed by high-pressure torsion“ IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 194 2017   12019 Doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/194/1/012019 published formated output
A. Bachmaier H. Krenn, P. Knoll, H. Aboulfadl, R. Pippan „Tailoring the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Cu-Co alloys prepared by high-pressure torsion and isothermal annealing“ Journal of Alloy and Compounds 725 2017   744-749 doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.07.200 published formated output
S. Suárez F. Lasserre, F. Soldera, R. Pippan, F. Mücklich „Microstructural thermal stability of CNT-reinforced composites processed by severe plastic deformation“ Materials Science and Engineering: A 626 2015   122-127 DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.12.065 published formated output

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Publica (build 111206), (c) Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe, Universität des Saarlandes, 2006. Konzept und Betreuung: Daniel Henry. Datenschutz, Impressum