Stand: 21.6.2021, 15:37

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aktuelle Anzeige: Publications (peer-review), Eingrenzung: Co-Autor, Sortierung nach: Jahr - view full database
E.A. Alvarez C.G. Oliver, F. Soldera, J.L. García „Densification and FIB, SEM, TEM Microstructures of WC Composites with Fe or Co Matrices“ Procedia Materials Science 8 2015   406-413   published formated output
D. Jankovic-Ilic J. Fiscina, C.G. Oliver, N. Ilic, F. Mücklich „Self Formed Cu-W Finctionally Graded Material Produced via Powder Segregation“ Advanced Engineering Materials 9 2007 7 542-546   published formated output

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Publica (build 111206), (c) Lehrstuhl für Funktionswerkstoffe, Universität des Saarlandes, 2006. Konzept und Betreuung: Daniel Henry. Datenschutz, Impressum